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Manny hits 500


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Manny is the only Red Sox player I like. Congrats and well done, sir! The mediots in Boston have tried to run this guy out of town on many an occassion - using their power of word to sway the masses that read their drivel. Always unsuccessful. Fans embrace this man-child. Good. And a great big FU to Tomasse, and Shaughnessy (who does his dirty work on behalf of Lyin' Larry Lucchino).

(yes, I will be riding that same 'ole tired line until that jerk is out of town. Go away Larry! Pls! - and bring your CHB with you.)

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(yes, I will be riding that same 'ole tired line until that jerk is out of town. Go away Larry! Pls! - and bring your CHB with you.)

You should explain what CHB stands for. That's one of my favorite stories.

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Well done Manny!

And well done the Baltimore Orioles who showed some real class acknowledging the milestone by playing 'Sweet Caroline' when Manny next came out onto the field.

Well done is right. Junior has the 600 milestone coming up next.

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