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Mewelde Moore was actually pretty decent in his days in MIN. He's very similar to Parker actually, and can catch the ball out of the backfield as well. Not saying he's as good as Parker or Mendenhall, but he is as good a #3 as you're going to find around the league. As for Simmons, that one's gonna hurt. You have a QB who tends to stand like a statue for along time and an OL that was not very good to begin with that is just getting beaten up with injuries. The Steelers already look a little shaky, this could be the big blow that sets them back this year.

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I think Najeh is back.

Good point about Simmons, Boozer, but from my perspective the protection issues are not really that big of a concern. Now the scheme, that's a whole other story. I think it's no coincedence that the protection automatically got better once Ben began calling the plays. I'll stand by my statement that our O-line is not as bad as alot of ppl think. If i'm wrong, i'm wrong. My money say's we'll see improvement as the season progresses.

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Man these injuries are piling up. Add the supposed toughest schedule in the league and this could get real hairy real soon. We got a very good D tho and we'll be OK so long as Ben doesn't get hurt. If i have to see Byron freakin' Leftwich, my season will be toast!

That offense needs serious help though. Ben is going to get seriously injured if this keeps up, and I don't know if the Steelers can win 7 games without him with the state of that line. Ben's the best in the league under pressure/after contact and the offense STILL looks ugly with him.

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Yea you'll get no argument from me on it, guys. My Steelers definately have their share of problems right now. But if we can get through these next few weeks without a Ben, Hines, Santonio or another RB go down, we'll compete. That's really all i can ask for as a fan is that my team has a shot to win any particular week. And also, every team has injuries so i'll side with coach Tomlin on this one and try not to use it as an excuse.

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