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The Refs blew it


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I think there was some very questionable officiating yesterday that did affect the outcome. First of all, that big roughing the passer against Dansby was very weak, he basically shoved Ben in the back right after he got rid of it with his forward momentum carrying him into the QB. WEAK. That was a big 15 yards. And then at the end which I think a lot of people missed, after the Holmes catch in the endzone, he started over-celebrating and he used the ball as a prop doing the LeBron James throw powder in the air. Should have been 15 yards for the Cards on their final attempt at a drive with 35 seconds left. They HAVE called 15 yd unsportsmanlike for less severe cases. Then, I am disgusted with the final play of the game. Warner bouncing around in the pocket and he was THROWING THE BALL FORWARD, he willed the ball past Farrior or whoever got his hand up. At LEAST, go up to the booth and check for sure, and I think if they did take the 90 seconds to review it, the refs would have seen that Warner was throwing the ball, with his arm moving forward, before it came out. INCOMPLETE PASS. Then with 5 seconds left, Warner would have one more shot to throw the Hail Mary to Fitzgerald, and who knows, you don't think he has a good shot at coming down with the ball in the end zone?

Refs get an F for their performance.

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I think there was some very questionable officiating yesterday that did affect the outcome. First of all, that big roughing the passer against Dansby was very weak, he basically shoved Ben in the back right after he got rid of it with his forward momentum carrying him into the QB. WEAK. That was a big 15 yards. And then at the end which I think a lot of people missed, after the Holmes catch in the endzone, he started over-celebrating and he used the ball as a prop doing the LeBron James throw powder in the air. Should have been 15 yards for the Cards on their final attempt at a drive with 35 seconds left. They HAVE called 15 yd unsportsmanlike for less severe cases. Then, I am disgusted with the final play of the game. Warner bouncing around in the pocket and he was THROWING THE BALL FORWARD, he willed the ball past Farrior or whoever got his hand up. At LEAST, go up to the booth and check for sure, and I think if they did take the 90 seconds to review it, the refs would have seen that Warner was throwing the ball, with his arm moving forward, before it came out. INCOMPLETE PASS. Then with 5 seconds left, Warner would have one more shot to throw the Hail Mary to Fitzgerald, and who knows, you don't think he has a good shot at coming down with the ball in the end zone?

Refs get an F for their performance.


Why was bens TD run overturned, it was not conclusive IMO

Dilfer was on this morning questioning same thing

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Why was bens TD run overturned, it was not conclusive IMO

Dilfer was on this morning questioning same thing

No, they got that one right. There was a clear angle that showed Ben's knee down with him holding the ball at the 1/2 yard line.

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Why was bens TD run overturned, it was not conclusive IMO

Dilfer was on this morning questioning same thing

IMO that was conclusive as they come. His knee was down and the ball was still a good 6 inches from the goalline. The only difference is the refs didn't even bother reviewing Warner's "fumble".

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The refs seemed to be in the Steelers' pocket to about the same extent they usually seem to be in the pocket of whichever team I'm rooting against, so I can only assume they did a pretty good job.

That said, and even though there's no way a flag is ever going to get thrown when time expires during a return, it's really tough to swallow when all you see on the replay is Warner getting picked up by his jersey and pads and frogmarched backward up the sideline.

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The refs blew nothing... big screen HDTV's and great replays are the only thing causing all of this to come up... its been this way for years... now everyone in the world picks it apart...

They blew the final 35 seconds.

Answer this: You don't think Holmes should have been penalized?

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Who cares? Wouldnt have mattered... Pitt's line was OWNING the Cards line...

That's easy to say but the fact is that anything could have happened. Most people didn't even expect the Cardinals to be in the ball game at that point.

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