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Amelia Earhart found?


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World's most famous cold case heats up - new evidence may prove famed aviatrix who disappeared 72 years ago was stranded on a remote island in the Pacific while attempting to fly around the world.

Amelia Earhart, unquestionable the most famous woman of her time, a record setting aviator and navigator Fred Noonan vanished over the Pacific without a trace but now researchers say are close to recovering crucial DNA evidence.

The International Group of Historical Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR) believes that Earhart perished on Nikumaroro island after crash landing there.

"We were out there in 2007 under the impression that in order to extract DNA we would need to find a piece of a human, and we didn't find anything like that," TIGHAR exec Ric Gillespie said. "But we did find what's best described as personal effects of the castaway that died there."

Earlier this year a woman directly related to Earhart provided the researchers with a sample of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) which differs from traditional DNA sample testing because it is passed down through the female gene and is used in forensics.

The team plans to go to the Nikumaroro Island located 1,800 miles south of Hawaii to conduct tests on the previously uninhabited island

It is thought by many experts that Earhart was on a reconnaissance spy mission for the US Government in the pre-WW2 days when she disappeared seemingly without a trace in 1937.

"We are investigation junkies," Gillespie said. "We love the thrill of the search and scientific process."


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