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Perfect Timing


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Just as the Cubs season officially ended this afternoon - Pre-season football and the LL World Series started tonight. Both of which will be infinitely more enjoyable to watch and follow than watching the 3rd highest salaried MLB team look like the bums that they are.

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So, who do we fire?

How about everyone but Ramirez?

I dunno dude. Certainly Hendry has got to be top of the list. Taking the "best available player" at the time in free agency and signing him to a multi year/$million isn't cutting it. He needed to have different timing and different players. Soriano, Bradley, and Kevin Gregg suk moose kok - Fukadome and Soto and Zambrano are looking more like average contributors and Dempster had his career year (minus the play-offs) and is back to being not a very good pitcher.

Lou has got to be held responsible for more than making out a line-up and manuvering players throughout the game.

The absence of a true team leader coupled with Lou's "they ought to know what to do by now" attitude leaves these guys having to figure it out for themselves and it's obvious they can't.

C'mon Gang Green!!

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So, who do we fire?

How about everyone but Ramirez?

Start with Soriano.

Release his ass like the Jays did with Alex Rios. Give him away.

Sure he'll go somewhere and light it up initially.

Then he'll return to being the bum he is.

Getting rid of Soriano will seriously raise the IQ of the Cubs.

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