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Bowden sucks


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You know Buchholz struggled a bit when he came up at first. He just pitched out of the bullpen a few days ago. He took one for the team. I wouldn't go judging him based on this start.

C'mon! The dude has looked like crap and you know it.

I think that any honest Red Sox fan would tell you that they DO NOT feel confident going into the playoff's. I mean, how could Red Sox Nation feel good right now?

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Love to see Buchholz in the playoffs


Buchholz has been pitching better than any Yankee starter not named CC Sabathia over the last month and a half.

C'mon! The dude has looked like crap and you know it.

I think that any honest Red Sox fan would tell you that they DO NOT feel confident going into the playoff's. I mean, how could Red Sox Nation feel good right now?

If, and it's a big if, Beckett and Lester are completely healthy there is every reason in the world to be confident. In a 7 game series it's hard to match those two at the top of the rotation. St. Louis might be the only team that can make a claim to that. Of course, they have to be healthy, though the recent reports have been encouraging.

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