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Can't believe this was not posted about ALEX RODRIGUEZ!!!


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MLB playoff games have been going on since 1884

Alex Rodriguez is tied for 10th all time in post season home runs

PA = plate appearances

Home Runs

Rank Player HR PA

1. Manny Ramirez 29 493

2. Bernie Williams 22 545

3. Derek Jeter 20 622

4. Reggie Jackson 18 318

Mickey Mantle 18 273

6. Jim Thome 17 238

7. Babe Ruth 15 167

8. David Justice 14 471

9. Chipper Jones 13 412

Jim Edmonds 13 263

Albert Pujols 13 239

Alex Rodriguez 13 225


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Alex finally got some pitches to hit this post season. The reason he struggled the previous 2 playoff appearances is because he was trying too hard to hit pitches he should not have been swinging for. He seems relaxed this year and realizes he does not have to do it all himself I think thats the difference.

Derek Jeter is an absolute beast in the playoffs and world series both in the field and at the plate. He is the best money player I have ever seen right up there with Reggie, Jordan and Montana.

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