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What the hell is up with toddler TV programming?

Bergen Jet

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They throw in every possible adult innuendo lately, it's amusing when I'm babysitting.

Soupy Sales had a kids show -- well when I was a kid and he got fired for telling the following story.

"I took my girlfriend to a baseball game I kissed her between the strikes and she kissed me between the Balls."

It's nothing new.

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Television for kids is what it is, reflects the times. But, trying to watch regular TV with my pre-teens and teens is a friggin mind field. It's not the programs you can pick and choose them, but it's te commercials. how many time a night do they have to talk about erectile dysfunction or a chick talking about keeping her box fresh? My 12 year old son asked if we can name his new fish Enzyte, I said no and we settled on E.D.

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