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Whats Mark Sanchez most impressive Stat?


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This is a great post. Agreed on many points. However, my "wake me up when he carries the team..." comment wasn't in reference to him putting up huge numbers, necessarily. It was just to point out how absolutely insulated Sanchez is and how relatively little is asked of him. You can be a chubby chick and blow the Prom King at a party, but that don't necessarily make you Prom Queen.

Then I took your point a bit far. Usually I equate that type of response for his lack of big numbers.

My bad. Thanks for seeing my point though. He's not the best QB in the league.....this is for sure true. All im saying is that this dude is not the worse, and when it comes to big games, he's well above average because he has W's for credentials.

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true... going three and out on offense repeatedly really has no effect on the scoreboard

Schotty is at fault here too bro. Granted, Sanchez makes mistakes, but we ALL know the play call coming from our couches. Slant, slant, and......slant.

I think that all thats being said here is that Sanchez isnt as bad as Pat fans (and even some jet fans) make him out to be.

We all know that Schotty needs to go....if thats the case that cant be because of Sanchez. Schotty runs the offense and the offensive plays for the most part suck, and its been that way since Sanchez been a Jet.

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These arguments that he's elite, great, good for whatever reason based on a stat that one person thinks is super important and means he's one of those compliments are getting old and redundant. Its like groundhogs day around here...but look at his 4th quarter comebacks!!!! Look at his playoff games!!! Cool. He's still wildly inconsistent and does a lot of head scratching sh*t that really could have prevented us from ever getting to the playoffs in the first place, but I digress.

However, this is what I like about the kid. He's pretty cool and collected in the face of adversity. While I like to be knee jerk and doom gloom during the game, its typically more of the old reverse jinx thing going on. The reality is, I'm have a lot of confidence in Mark and the defense, getting us back in the game. Obviously, Mark should get kudos for this but just as many of those comebacks were sparked by a nice defensive stand or a turnover, etc. But as Jets fan, I've never had a QB that I felt confident could bring us back and snatch a victory from the jaws fo defeat. Ever. Mark's changed that feeling.


It only gets old and redundant when Sanchez stops doing that.

And for the record, I agree with the rest of your comment. That is Mark Sanchez in a nutshell.

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Schotty is at fault here too bro. Granted, Sanchez makes mistakes, but we ALL know the play call coming from our couches. Slant, slant, and......slant.

I think that all thats being said here is that Sanchez isnt as bad as Pat fans (and even some jet fans) make him out to be.

We all know that Schotty needs to go....if thats the case that cant be because of Sanchez. Schotty runs the offense and the offensive plays for the most part suck, and its been that way since Sanchez been a Jet.

imo, at this point he's an average qb who some fans overrate due to his playoff success, and others underrate cause he's looks so ******* terrible for long streaks.. Guys only his third year, so he still has potential

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It's a fair point, but it's still a nice trait for a QB to have, even if he's not winning the games by himself. Let's be honest, there are plenty of QBs in this league who have found themselves in the same exact position as Sanchez was in those games, only to miserably choke it away. *cough*ChadPennington*cough*. Doesn't make him great, but it's still a disappointingly uncommon trait these days to see a QB step up his game in those spots.

As far as what you're talking about, the only game that probably really qualifies in that regard would be last year's Texans game. The defense completely sh*t itself in the fourth quarter and the running game was non-exsitant all game. That win was nothing but Sanchez, Edwards and Holmes.

True story.

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imo, at this point he's an average qb who some fans overrate due to his playoff success, and others underrate cause he's looks so ******* terrible for long streaks.. Guys only his third year, so he still has potential

You hit it on the head. I cant disagree with that at all. I just wanted it to be known that Sanchez is working with bullsh*t unimaginative playcalling.

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hotdogs eaten gameday, during the game, live on tv: 1

That has gone down in my books at the 2nd coolest thing I've ever seen on the sidelines. The first is when Emmit and the Cowboys was playing against Moon and the Houston Oilers and the Cowboys was putting in work....in the 4th qtr the camera panned over to Emmit Smith and he's wearing a Houston Oilers fitted cap.

That sh*t was hilarious!

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imo, at this point he's an average qb who some fans overrate due to his playoff success, and others underrate cause he's looks so ******* terrible for long streaks.. Guys only his third year, so he still has potential

Well said. I give him extra credit for not crapping in his pants in huge spots. The long streaks of playing terribly have been missing this year for the most part. He is improving. This years Sanchez with the O-line and running game of prior seasons would be a very good offensive team. The 2011 Jets as a whole have sucked swith the exception of the 2nd half of the SD game. When that happens the QB is the easiest target for what is wrong with the team.

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You guys know that I usually stick to making threads in the lounge area putting my aluminum hat to work but the latest negative comments on Sanchez by fans of other teams got me here needing to set the record straight.

Let me start by presenting all of the countering evidences whether true, untrue, sought or unsought. I'll start off with my new favorite.

#1. Mark Sanchez is in a 3 year sophomore slump. (Pats fans....)

#2. Mark Sanchez is a bust draft pick.

#3. Mark Sanchez is at best "average".

#4. Mark Sanchez is a INT machine....etc, etc, etc.

The one stat that no one can take away from Sanchez during his "3 year sophomore slump" is the 1 stat that is the most important stat of any QB period. That is...

Mark Sanchez wins BIG games. When we need a football game Mark Sanchez goes out and delivers. This is something that can easily make up for is individual statistical averages as a QB. The name of the game is to win.

Let me give you some Sanchez stats from last weeks game. Sanchez went 18-33 for 176 yards against the Chargers. He threw 54% for the game. This isnt highly impressive stats right? This is pretty much his career average completion wise. Now check this out.

Sanchez went 8 for 13 on 3rd down. He converted 3rd down over 61% of the time. In otherwords, when we needed to continue a drive Sanchez delivered.

Sanchez threw for 3 TD's in this game as well, which meant that he threw a TD every 6 completions. Not bad for a bust draft pick.

Now, Go take a look at the "very impressive to jaw dropping" individual stats of QB's considered "Elite" like ahhhhh, Philip Rivers, Peyton Manning, Matt Schaub, Matt Ryan, Tony Romo, Michael Vick, Josh Freeman (Freeman's not considered Elite but many have praised him as being the best QB in his class, and truth be told...he's a baller).

Now after doing that let me provide you with this rude awakening. Mark Sanchez, in only his "3rd sophomore slump year" has more playoff wins than every QB on this list minus the "playoff underachiever" Mr. Peyton Manning (7 playoff wins) who by the way is in his 14th year! Sanchez has 2 years under his belt and has been to 2 AFC championship games (while Peyton has been in 3), while doing it all on the road and in just 2 years is tied for the most playoff wins by a QB EVER on the road. Peyton consistently has home field advantage in the playoffs and gets handed a loss year in and year out and he's considered one of the best to ever suit up...which I'll even agree with that as an "individual achiever".

Sanchez, though not being the most gifted QB in the league does have the uncanny ability to step up to the plate during big games and produce (which IS a gift). Now im not saying that he singlehandedly wins these games. What im saying is that he doesnt "lose" these games. He converts on 3rd down. He throws for TD's (ask the patriots.....CANT WAIT!)

My point is this, one can hate all they like on Sanchez, but when its a "must win" game, Sanchez is an ELITE QB in this league. And for any Pats fan who disagree let me leave you with a stat and a video. And after the vid, go speak to a Charger, Colts or Bengal fan about Mark Sanchez....and their response will sound like the way this video looks.

Jets Vs. Pats 2011 Divisional Playoff

Mark Sanchez 16 for 25 194 yards 3TD's and 0 picks.


Stop picking on my QB. Dude is a BEAST when it counts, and thats the most important and impressive stat! "


Great post Villian Mark Sanchez is above all Clutch and I would rather have clutch than a stats whore any day of the week. For all the great stats Mr Dan Marino put up and Mr Brett Favre put up how mant SB's did they win ? 1 between the 2 with a boatload of playoff chokes (Favre) . I think Sanchez will Deliver SB's once we get him some real stabilty on Offense meaning lets stop juggling WR's ever yyear and get him some real young skill talent he can grow with at both RB and WR. Hopefully Kerley is a step in the right direction and Holmes is still relatively young I think the Jets need to target a young stud WR in the draft or one in FA if available and then keep that talent together and let them grow. Anyone who can fault Mark Sanchez for having 12 TD's and 7 Ints after what hes been through the first quarter of the season is not being realisitic IMHO.

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