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Are Tom Brady and Peyton Manning "done", now that they've reached 35?


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Do not worry. There is still time in the month. ;)


You missed the 6 TD performance?

As bad as he played against the ravens, he did consistently drive the team down the field and put points on the board. He also threw some dumbass passes. Similar in the Superbowl, he was the MVP going into the 4th. Then a bad pass and receivers started dropping the ball.

Again, I am not saying he is blame free, but he clearly has MVP seasons in him.

I was speaking strictly from a statistical point of view that this statement has no scientific validity whatsoever. I think the only way this could be argued is to "define" great qb's, you need at least 35 so let's just use the list above to be lazy. Then take their entire career of work pre and post 35 years old. You already have a couple guys who won but I think the bigger tell is going to be that most guys don't play past this age. So the assumption I will make is that you don't have enough prior data to argue one way or the other. But I think betting against Brady is a really bad bet. Peyton I'm not real sure.

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