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Lily's Angry Melons mafia game thread


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So you didnt ask any of these questions?  This is your first time with this power and you didnt want to get any clarification from the mod on how it works  You're not this clumsy of a player. 


JiF, there is definitely a LD in this game, though.  We had a mafia silvertongue dead, who can fool a LD.  Lily is not a bastard mod - that was like the game I just ran with roles that had no counterpoint.


There is 100% a LD in this game.  If one doesn't cc right now, then Leelou is legit.



Vote: JC

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So you didnt ask any of these questions?  This is your first time with this power and you didnt want to get any clarification from the mod on how it works  You're not this clumsy of a player. 


I asked her and she told me I just give her a post number and she tells me if it is a truth or a lie. I admit, I should have asked exactly when I could use it, but I've been waiting to see what goes on during the days and she doesn't give me results until the end of the night phase. 

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Huh.  When I'm a LD, I like to quote a piece of a post to the mod and gain the LD on that....helps narrow the choice and avoid accidental mistakes.


Are you saying she ok'ed the entire contents of that post as truth?

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Unofficial Vote count:


Mish (2) – Nolder, JC

Leelou (1) - Crusher

80 (2) - Leelou. Mish

JC (1) - Verbal


Not voting: Hess, JiF, Pac, 80


With 10 alive it takes 6 to lynch

Deadline Monday 2MST/5PM EST 

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JiF, there is definitely a LD in this game, though.  We had a mafia silvertongue dead, who can fool a LD.  Lily is not a bastard mod - that was like the game I just ran with roles that had no counterpoint.


There is 100% a LD in this game.  If one doesn't cc right now, then Leelou is legit.



Vote: JC


this is good.  under my tutelage you've become a nifty little player.

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Huh.  When I'm a LD, I like to quote a piece of a post to the mod and gain the LD on that....helps narrow the choice and avoid accidental mistakes.


Are you saying she ok'ed the entire contents of that post as truth?


Yes, that's what I'm saying. I pmed her the post number and the post and she said truth. 

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JiF, there is definitely a LD in this game, though.  We had a mafia silvertongue dead, who can fool a LD.  Lily is not a bastard mod - that was like the game I just ran with roles that had no counterpoint.


There is 100% a LD in this game.  If one doesn't cc right now, then Leelou is legit.



Vote: JC


I get that...but my questioning is appropriate.  There are some serious holes in her story.  Her train built quickly, she could very well be trying to pull the  LD out.  I'm doing my due diligence. 


I asked her and she told me I just give her a post number and she tells me if it is a truth or a lie. I admit, I should have asked exactly when I could use it, but I've been waiting to see what goes on during the days and she doesn't give me results until the end of the night phase. 


So you can clear an entire post? 

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Huh.  When I'm a LD, I like to quote a piece of a post to the mod and gain the LD on that....helps narrow the choice and avoid accidental mistakes.


Are you saying she ok'ed the entire contents of that post as truth?


Thats why I'm questioning.


Why wouldnt I just make a list of every player and say and put town or scum next them and send that post to Lily?  


This is weird. 

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Unofficial Vote count:


80 (3) - Leelou. Mish, JC

Mish (1) – Nolder

Leelou (1) - Crusher

JC (1) - Verbal


Not voting: Hess, JiF, Pac, 80


With 10 alive it takes 6 to lynch

Deadline Monday 2MST/5PM EST 

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Also, I agree on the GF.  That only means Crusher or Hess, though.  GFs don't fool LDs.


That makes Leelou, Pac, and JiF cleared.


Crusher and Hess go back into the unknown bucket, along with the rest of us.

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Also, I agree on the GF.  That only means Crusher or Hess, though.  GFs don't fool LDs.


That makes Leelou, Pac, and JiF cleared.


Crusher and Hess go back into the unknown bucket, along with the rest of us.


Can't say that for sure..  we don't know what Lily did.

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Can't say that for sure..  we don't know what Lily did.


Yes, I can.  That is the design of the role.  GFs fool Cops.....but not LDs.  That is why the silvertongue role was created - to have something that fools a LD and keep it in check.

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Bass player does not make sense for a vig.  Everybody's role sorta makes sense to their character in the band.....that is just awful.


Looks like we found the SK, folks.


Thats obvious....but I'm still totally in a loop about this LD thingy.


Why dont we just put 3 players we're not sure about in a post and say "these 3 players are town" - then we can send it to Lily, she'll confirm or deny and we lynch from there.


Maybe I'm crazy but the power the Leelou is selling she has, completely makes this game easy as ****. 

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1. Ishy, drummer, roleless town, nk n2

2. Dap, lead singer, mafia silver tongue, nk n1

3. Darthe, lead guitarist, roleless town, lynched d1

4. Crusher

5. 80

6. JC

7. JiF

8. DPR, guitarist, mafia goon, nk n2

9. Leelou

10. Verb

11. Pac


13.Smash, roleless town, nk n1

14. AVM, town groupie/girlfriend, lynchstopper, lynched d2

15. Mish

16. Hess


With 16 players, I'd guess 3-4 scum and a SK.

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Thats obvious....but I'm still totally in a loop about this LD thingy.


Why dont we just put 3 players we're not sure about in a post and say "these 3 players are town" - then we can send it to Lily, she'll confirm or deny and we lynch from there.


Maybe I'm crazy but the power the Leelou is selling she has, completely makes this game easy as ****. 


True, that is why many mods don't use LDs....they can be insanely powerful.

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Bass player does not make sense for a vig.  Everybody's role sorta makes sense to their character in the band.....that is just awful.


Looks like we found the SK, folks.


I shoot scum and this is the thanks I get.  GFY.  Anyone want to counter me and take credit for the shot?

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I give you full credit......as the SK.


Fine, you got me.


Town, I'll make a deal with you.  Leave me alive and I'll keep attempting to shoot scum.  I won't shoot one of Leelou's confirmed townies.  The minute I do, you can hyperlynch me.  I only win if I'm one of the last 3 alive so I'm not a threat.  I'd prefer to be a town-sided SK now that I'm guaranteed to die. 


I can't win now that I'm out in the open so you might as well make use of me.  We can win this thing in a route.  Scum will have to choose between NKing me or Leelou tonight.


@ Scum:  Go ahead and NK me tonight, fags.  I'll take one of you down with me. 



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This is the problem with DM currently - you guys don't think outside the box enough.  Sometimes lynching a power role can confirm multiple townies and set the town up to cruise to an easy win.  Wouldn't you say that's worth it?


That's a valid point; I never thought about that way before.


Thats obvious....but I'm still totally in a loop about this LD thingy.


Why dont we just put 3 players we're not sure about in a post and say "these 3 players are town" - then we can send it to Lily, she'll confirm or deny and we lynch from there.


Maybe I'm crazy but the power the Leelou is selling she has, completely makes this game easy as ****. 


How I know Silvertongues, they only get confirmation on what the person quoted refers to about themselves. So if I say "Jif, Verbal, Pac is town", an LD would be wasted on that post; because I can't know that, so how can Leelou check if I've lied or not? But if I say things about myself,  then it can be checked. So if I say "I'm the cop and I've cleared JiF, Verbal and Pac with my NA's", then that is information I actually know, and so Leelou can get it confirmed if I'm speaking the truth or not.






Third parties sux. Kill it with fire.

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