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IMO for this mess


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I like the GM prospect from Houston - I want someone who was a scout and can pick out best talent from a pool of talent.  I want someone who knows a lot of other scouts, well liked (not sure if the guy from Houston fits that bill - but god dammit that is what I want).  GM should be respected by other GMs in league so he is running for trades, etc..


I like Kubiak - I want us to have a team manager not a HC\DC or HC\OC.  I want someone who will take input from both OC and DC and just manage game day and is not a me, me, me person like Rex.  I want to see adjustments god dammit and I want to be unpredictable without being stupid about it.  I want to see a good running game, passing game, and I want our defense to be feared.


I want us to get up and coming OC - I think this is where Casserrly\wolf fit in.  We need strong coordinators who can game plan, teach, and evaluate talent.  ditto DC.  I dont want a HC retread.  I want someone maybe from college ranks or QB\LB coach whose time has come.


I want good position coaches to teach up average players, find the diamonds in rough, who will work like slaves through offseason for upcoming UDFA, FA, Draft, making vets better in offseason, study film, etc..


I want us to start taping the Pats hand signals and use different frequencies in QB helmets so we can get unfair advantages on teams and if we get caught, I want us to play dumb and say "it wasnt me"


and god dammit i want the playoffs next year!

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