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3 questions...


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1. Is Antonio Allen still a jet, and if so please tell me you heard he could go back to free safety? He was a very good FS for us an was getting better.

2. Between mo, Sheldon, and Leonard who would be a better suited NT?

3. Can we afford mo, and our other players?

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1) Antonio Allen is still a Jet.  But over-the-top FS was never his strength.  His best ball was played in 2013 playing man coverage against beast tight ends like Gronk and Jimmy Graham.  2014 was like a wasted year for him because he was stuck playing CB on the outside and zone safety.


2) None of them are natural zero techniques.  Mo with his size/strength combination might actually be best suited.  Sheldon is more of a penetrator and his abilities could go to waste playing NT.  As for Williams, who knows.


3) I think the team will ultimately have to choose between Mo and Sheldon, however they can put this decision off until either 2016 or 2017 depending on if they franchise Mo in 2016.  And Sheldon is probably the better choice between the two in the long-term.

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1. Is Antonio Allen still a jet, and if so please tell me you heard he could go back to free safety? He was a very good FS for us an was getting better.

2. Between mo, Sheldon, and Leonard who would be a better suited NT?

3. Can we afford mo, and our other players?

1. Yes and agree

2. Mo - but I think we'll be playing a lot of Nascar and 46 Bear next season which doesn't require a Nose.

3. No, I think Mo gets traded next offseason after we franchise tag him.

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2) I think all three of them are talented enough to play any position on the line but if we do make one of them play a lot of NT it will likely be Williams as he is the new guy and was praised for his versatility in the draft. I think instead of steady roles though you can expect to see Bowles moving them all over the place so that the offensive line wont know who they are going to be lined up against on any given play.

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2) All three of them weight in the vicinity of 300 lbs.  Snacks, by comparison, is on the other side of 350.  You want your NTs to be big bodies.  Thus...(or ergo)...the answer is none of the above.  These guys are DEs or 4-3 DTs but they just aren't NTs in a 3-4 unless they go on the IHoP program this summer.

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In regards to Allen, he was great in man against TEs in 2013.....I hope Bowles has him playing a lot of Safety and could see him in the hybrid S/LB role similar to what he did in college at the "Spur" position. He is a personal favorite of mine and I expect big things this year for him in this D.

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