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6 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

Everyone here buses as scum. Not sure why you are pushing this "Hess would bus" angle so hard. I feel like you're trying to build a narrative around what took place, revisionist history sort of... but with a spin to support lynching me. Dirty.

Good trolling.

lol, sounds like I'm in your head... just vote me... stop with all the pomp and circumstance about what to do, what to do... you already sound convinced that no matter how many things point to me being the doc, you still want to lynch me because I'm the boogeyman... so do it.

it'll be a testament to how paranoid i've made you in past games... and laughin in your face won't hurt either

I've played with Hess as scum.  It's his style. 

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Just now, Jetsfan80 said:

I've played with Hess as scum.  It's his style. 

lmfao, and my style, and ctm's style and jif's, crusher's, slats, smc's, avm's, etc, etc, etc... we all bus as scum, this is horsecrap

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Just now, Jetsfan80 said:

So I see Ape no longer is complaining that we're lynching him after being inactive.  Now he's pointing in as many directions as possible.  That's what we call flailing.

This might be the most irrelevant thing posted in the game.

You guys were voting me for inactivity yesterday. Now, today, after I've revealed, it's obviously not for the same reason... again, you are flinging nonsense at the notion of lynching me, to do whatever it takes to get it to happen.

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2 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

lmfao, and my style, and ctm's style and jif's, crusher's, slats, smc's, avm's, etc, etc, etc... we all bus as scum, this is horsecrap

Not with the same level of awesome that Hess does.  Most players bus at logical times.  Hess busses alllllll game long.  Much like I did when I was your teammate.  I learned that from Hess.  I just can't do it nearly as well as he does.

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Just now, Jetsfan80 said:

Ape went from disinterested, to being mad that we were lynching him when he couldn't play, to botching his reveal at a deadline, now to doing his best impersonation of legitimate scum-hunting.

4 different Ape's this game.  Make up your mind.

More narrative building, like I've already pointed out.

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2 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Ape went from disinterested, to being mad that we were lynching him when he couldn't play, to botching his reveal at a deadline, now to doing his best impersonation of legitimate scum-hunting.

4 different Ape's this game.  Make up your mind.

I'm actually shocked he's still alive...but I dont mind, I'm entertained, to say the least.

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Whatever, lynch me.

I've ****ed you guys so hard the past few times I've been scum, there's literally nothing I can do to offset the paranoia some of you have and the paranoia-stoking that scum is doing, like 80. 

I can argue until I'm blue in the face, but most of you have already made up your minds. The only way to get through to you is to let you be wrong, and hopefully that improves persepctive in future games.

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3 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Not with the same level of awesome that Hess does.  Most players bus at logical times.  Hess busses alllllll game long.  Much like I did when I was your teammate.  I learned that from Hess.  I just can't do it nearly as well as he does.

Again, we all do it.

You're stupid. 

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Just now, StraightCash said:

Not sure I follow

Whyyyyy do I need to explain this?

1.  Of course it was me who pointed out the whole unvote thing.  It was the central part of the random lynch yesterday.  I apologized for it, and everyone moved on except, apparently, you.

2.  This isn't a legitimate reason to declare me scum.  Not even a little bit. 

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2 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

Keep stoking the paranoia... you're doing a good job, I'll give you that. You've definitely become better at this.

The last time you complimented my play, you were scum.  The time before that, we were scum teammates.  Not buying it.

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Just now, Jetsfan80 said:

The last time you complimented my play, you were scum.  The time before that, we were scum teammates.  Not buying it.

I compliment your play when you play well. It really has nothing to do with our alignements, but you keep throwing those logs on the fire buddy... if you take down an uncountered doc with flim-flam like this sh*t, it'll be a remarkable achievement... 

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Just now, Integrity28 said:

I compliment your play when you play well. It really has nothing to do with our alignements, but you keep throwing those logs on the fire buddy... if you take down an uncountered doc with flim-flam like this sh*t, it'll be a remarkable achievement... 

It'll be your own fault and I'll have no remorse. 

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1 minute ago, JiF said:

haha - he wont even address me right now and I've been calling his bluff for 5 pages.  


No one wants to go toe to toe with a champion.



















Ugh, I feel dirty having written that.  Just glad you're back to normal I guess.  GFY.

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1 minute ago, Jetsfan80 said:

You're being intentionally obtuse. 

Blanket statement.

There's nothing obtuse about saying Hess isn't the only person who plays here that loves to bus teammates. It's an irrelevant point. You're using the notion that Hess buses, as some sort of exclusive play style unique to him, to support your push on lynching me. I'm saying, Hess, like everyone else here, buses. Scum loves to hide in plain site and bicker with Ape. Maybe he was doing that. Scum also loves to take out strong players. Maybe he was doing that. Scum also likes to be opportunistic and go after players where there is already sentiment established to lynch that person. Maybe he was doing that.

In other words, I'm saying, that your "Hess bussed Ape" case is sh*t, and that you're basically manufacturing the "Hess buses better than anyone ever" narrative so that you can take advantage of him having voted me a lot. 

This is what scum does, they take what has happened, and manufacture a story to incriminate.

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3 minutes ago, JiF said:

haha - he wont even address me right now and I've been calling his bluff for 5 pages.  


I'm not addressing you, because I haven't decided...

Are you scum trying to use over-confidence to make townies think you know I'm lying - get them to lynch me, and then you'll backpedal and say "I was just really confident! Batman! Gay!"

Or, if you're just the typical stupid townie doing scum's work for them, that I'm used to.

I'm leaning towards the latter, because of how 80 is preying on your vibe.

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42 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

This is just a weird post. 

You're going back and itemizing a bunch of correspondence, and then wrapping narrative around it. You don't really do this wall of text type of thing. I'm really not sure what to make of it. I want to call you scum for it, but I really don't think you'd be doing some of the other things you've done as scum. 

I just think you're trying too hard to convince yourself. If it were any other player, you'd probably not be second-guess, but because it's me, you're getting yourself all hot and bothered.

I didn't "change the topic" to you. I insulted you, like I always do... every game, every year, for years... We've always been able to insult each other mid-flow when other stuff is going on, but now you're strangely trying to make it sound like a ploy. Stupid.

Usually when you insult me it either funny, (or atleast some kind of clear insult that isn't funny). When you troll me to attack something I've said, I can usually kind of see your angle a bit. Here no

And I do do the multi quote thing, have for years. It's just this board sucks for it

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1 minute ago, Jetsfan80 said:

So now we've reached the point where Ape is saying things just to say them, hoping that if he provides enough walls of text, people will think he's trying.

5th version of Ape we've seen this game.

I made strong points. 

Quick, dismiss them by insinuating once again that whatever I do, it has to be scummy. Stoke that paranoia, just be sure to ignore that you actually pointing out town meta, while suggesting it's scummy.

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4 minutes ago, CTM said:

Usually when you insult me it either funny, (or atleast some kind of clear insult that isn't funny). When you troll me to attack something I've said, I can usually kind of see your angle a bit. Here no

And I do do the multi quote thing, have for years. It's just this board sucks for it

yea? usually your posts are broken english and filled with backward logic that you petulantly insist is right

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41 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

Ugh, your obsessed... I think you're trying too hard to make me the boogeyman.

What Ballin being shot means to me is that scum didn't want to risk losing their NK by shooting at me/Nyn, and they believed Ballin was hinting an additional role and figured nobody was going to protect him.

You need to revisit basic logic before you start steering the town off a ******* cliff.

You are doing a terrible job here. There is literally 0% chance of you bully me into changing my mind by repeated accusations of me being afraid of you or obsessed.

I'm one of the few people that is actually re reading, taking my time and obviously considering what to do with you

Save this sh*t for jif/ape/brett who all voted you out the shoot. 

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Just now, CTM said:

You are doing a terrible job here. There is literally 0% chance of you bully me into changing my mind by repeated accusations of me being afraid of you or obsessed.

I'm one of the few people that is actually re reading, taking my time and obviously considering what to do with you

Save this sh*t for jif/ape/brett who all voted you out the shoot. 

I'm not trying to bully. I'm trying to wrap my head around how you've arrived at a wrong decision. You specifically are infuriating me, because I don't understand how you take all this in, and ignore the base-level logic, and arrive at: wrong. 

Anyway, the infuriating bit is my best gut-read town tell for you. So, that's nice.

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23 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

Whatever, lynch me.

I've ****ed you guys so hard the past few times I've been scum, there's literally nothing I can do to offset the paranoia some of you have and the paranoia-stoking that scum is doing, like 80. 

I can argue until I'm blue in the face, but most of you have already made up your minds. The only way to get through to you is to let you be wrong, and hopefully that improves persepctive in future games.

lol, 2 of the last 3 times you were scum you were lynched by day 2. Last game you'd have suffered a similiar fate if not for brett, spoot being a noob and verb being out all weekend.

Weak AtE stuff

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