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16 minutes ago, Nynaeve said:

Brett is town

Useless ?


10 minutes ago, JiF said:

I protected myself. 


16 minutes ago, CTM said:

good job twinkee.. I assume they went for cop or doc meaning no gf 

im down for Brett, 80, spoot or avm .. hopefully cop inv one of them 

Wrong since Jif self protected

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Vote lily 

the case

1 - she jumped on the Ape joke train pretty care free, and was the 4th vote... That's pretty high.

i don't think she would do that without being on the same team as Ape and knowing that Ape wouldn't make a big deal out of it.

2 - she made a post last night along the lines of "you think there could be a god father AND roleblocker?"... Seemed desperate to validate her own innocent result.

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4 minutes ago, JiF said:

80 or AVM today.

Could go either way really.  80 has come off pretty town as of late but he was disgusting before the Ape train. 

AVM flipped from about to come after me to deciding to lynch Ape in a blink of an eye.  Wondering if he was catching up and didnt realize where the Ape was at in his fight.

Meh -- thought through it and as I said to CTM, the only scenario in which you fake counter there is if you're giving up and just trying to get the Ape out of spite or some nonsense.  There was already a lot of support from Nyn, CTM and 80 on lynching Ape before you revealed so there was just no need.

Same reason there was no need for me to "show my ass" and defend Ape when literally no one else was.  To be fair though, I did proclaim Ape and defended him referencing his reaction compared to when he got lynched fake claiming sensor.

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21 hours ago, Lizard King said:

FINAL Vote Count

Ape (7) – Nyn, 80, Lily, Hess, Ballin, JiF, CTM

Ballin (4) - AVM,  Brett, Ape, Spoot


Not Voting (1) - Crusher

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.


Most likely only voting in Ballin's train. POE wise? That's AVM or Spoot, atp.


Like I get bussing and all that.... Hess did it... but he was also egging on Spoot's catch because obviously they didn't want to lose their blocker on D1. I find it a bit hard to swallow that both scummates would be on Ape. it's possible, but imo less likely. I think one of them was sitting pretty on Ballin. Didn't AVM joke vote him in early stages and just left his vote there? Or am I misremembering it?

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1 minute ago, Nynaeve said:

I think 80's correction of the unvote is not alignment indicative in the least.

disagree .. if ape was town I think it would make him scum.. with ape as scum but roled scum, could just be brazient which he is capable of 

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4 minutes ago, StraightCash said:

For how skeptical you are, I'm surprised how sure you are that Jif was the target.

also there is no certainty there.. these are all assumptions till something happens to shed more light 

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2 minutes ago, Nynaeve said:

It was a mod mistake. The right thing to do was to point it out.


ok.. I said given that ape was scum makes it not scum grandstanding .. but I don't think it's meaningless, not at all 

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So why is CTM the town leader? All he did was throw up an offer to get lynched D1 and he's been leading the game since.

1) He didn't unvote to hammer Ape D1. Intentional? I could see him sending LK a PM saying it was purposeful, which was why LK posted a final lynching Ape, then going back and changing to random 

2) he had a ton of distancing with Ape on D2... And even when Ape was voting 80 he was still only fighting with CTM

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19 hours ago, AVM said:

Also, Ballin/Lily/JiF....maybe Brett.  I'd go in that order for now.

CTM is right, it's a bad break for scum...but he's not striking me as bitter scum writing it.  No different than it would have been a bad break for town if Nyn was random'd.  Until tomorrow, sweet princes and princesses.

AVM's WTL for reference. 

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2 minutes ago, StraightCash said:

So why is CTM the town leader? All he did was throw up an offer to get lynched D1 and he's been leading the game since.

1) He didn't unvote to hammer Ape D1. Intentional? I could see him sending LK a PM saying it was purposeful, which was why LK posted a final lynching Ape, then going back and changing to random 

2) he had a ton of distancing with Ape on D2... And even when Ape was voting 80 he was still only fighting with CTM

knew this was coming, smash ape and now Brett., guaranteed to be convinced I'm scum by day 3.. go away twit

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1 minute ago, StraightCash said:

So why is CTM the town leader? All he did was throw up an offer to get lynched D1 and he's been leading the game since.

1) He didn't unvote to hammer Ape D1. Intentional? I could see him sending LK a PM saying it was purposeful, which was why LK posted a final lynching Ape, then going back and changing to random 

2) he had a ton of distancing with Ape on D2... And even when Ape was voting 80 he was still only fighting with CTM

So this is how you're gonna roll? Just keep FoSing all the players?

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1 minute ago, Nynaeve said:

AVM's WTL for reference. 

I don't know that we need to debate this, we need dead bodies. Might as well just off one of avm/ spoot and move on 

We have a huge numbers lead 

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2 minutes ago, Nynaeve said:

So this is how you're gonna roll? Just keep FoSing all the players?

Just thinking about everyone's history.  

I'm not saying I'm voting him today, but I'm wary of following him around like he's on the same level as you and Jif.

what makes you so convinced?

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1 minute ago, Nynaeve said:

I'm not going to be chasing my own tail here. Nothing is certain but I'm not gonna tinfoil on my town reads. It's as simple as that. 

exactly we have a lead and there's 3 people in question.. let's mow through them and if still a game start thinking about more exotic possibilities 

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2 minutes ago, Nynaeve said:

What makes you lean more towards killing spoot?   

cause he was my first suspect and first impressions die hard 

 I do see your point about him seeming excited and could go avm if you like

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