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Why no politics?


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Politics & Religion have no place on a NYJ/Football Message board. It brings out the worst in people and we agreed to to have it here.

Hope that is cool with you foley. Feel free to go talk football.

I think thats dumb. This is a message board if they don't want to talk about it they don't have to click on the thread. I have a lot of ideas, and plan on being president one day.

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Foley, you need to understand that all of us here are childish and immature and we'd like to keep it that way. Even though you have apparently matured greatly in your 2 week hiatus from JN, we haven't and intellectual threads like this are just a little too deep and fly right over our heads.

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Becoming the Terrell Owens of JN. Maxman and Smizzy think my conduct is detrimental to the board.

That's okay, I am sure the Dolphins board would take me :).

Then just go to phinheaven or whatever the name is for the Miami board.


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