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I hear those things have teeth

"Light As The Breeze"

She stands before you naked

you can see it, you can taste it,

and she comes to you light as the breeze.

Now you can drink it or you can nurse it,

it don't matter how you worship

as long as you're

down on your knees.

So I knelt there at the delta,

at the alpha and the omega,

at the cradle of the river and the seas.

And like a blessing come from heaven

for something like a second

I was healed and my heart

was at ease.

O baby I waited

so long for your kiss

for something to happen,

oh something like this.

And you're weak and you're harmless

and you're sleeping in your harness

and the wind going wild

in the trees,

and it ain't exactly prison

but you'll never be forgiven

for whatever you've done

with the keys.

O baby I waited ...

It's dark now and it's snowing

O my love I must be going,

The river has started to freeze.

And I'm sick of pretending

I'm broken from bending

I've lived too long on my knees.

Then she dances so graceful

and your heart's hard and hateful

and she's naked

but that's just a tease.

And you turn in disgust

from your hatred and from your love

and comes to you

light as the breeze.

O baby I waited ...

There's blood on every bracelet

you can see it, you can taste it,

and it's Please baby

please baby please.

And she says, Drink deeply, pilgrim

but don't forget there's still a woman

beneath this

resplendent chemise.

So I knelt there at the delta,

at the alpha and the omega,

I knelt there like one who believes.

And the blessings come from heaven

and for something like a second

I'm cured and my heart

is at ease

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Speaking of which.....had an awkward feeling this morning when I was driving in and I did not see any cars around one of our buildings.  There are usually a few and I was running a little late.  Not Dom type late, but late none the less.  I was actually on time, but late for me.

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