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Rodgers to the Jets - Support it, or Oppose it?

Do you support the Jets Possible/Pending Acquisition of Aaron Rodgers?  

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  1. 1. Do you support the Jets Possible/Pending Acquisition of Aaron Rodgers?

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On 3/16/2023 at 3:52 PM, johnnysd said:

The problem with this argument is that we very likely get ONE year of that QB play and then in the same position next year only with less draft picks, maybe a player and a $60 million deap cap hit. Are people really that impatient that they don't care about the long term effect at all?

Will have 1 less draft pick next year and if we don't make the playoffs it's not going to be a 1.  I really doubt we make a deal without a rework of the contract or GB eating part of the hit.  Those are probably the real delays in the deal. 

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