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Florio: 🤣 SNY Hughes is Jets’ unofficial lackey / PR spin mouthpiece

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On 6/22/2024 at 9:10 AM, bicketybam said:

Just because of the fact that it's Aaron Rodgers,there was absolutely nothing Saleh could have said that wasn't going to turn this into a huge national story.

"Aaron has been excused from the x-days of minicamp for personal reasons, and we're looking forward to seeing him ready to go in training camp.  This was something he had pre-scheduled with us, and we were happy to allow it for him.  Uh, you over there, next question?"

"Coach Saleh, but where IS Aaron"?

"As I said, his excused time away is personal, and we were happy to allow it.  Sorry folks, you can ask it a hundred different ways, this is the answer.  Next question please.".

"Coach Saleh, we really want to know where Aaron is."

With a big smile on his face "Asked and answers, next question please".

Saleh sucks at the press, simple as that really, his fumbling turned it into more of a story than it needed to be.

Of course, fans and media might still have been critical (and some would white-knight), same as always and everything, but that's inherent to skipping camp without a reason fans (or media) empathize with.  The fact he skipped would still be a topic folks would discuss, that was unavoidable.

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5 minutes ago, Warfish said:

"Aaron has been excused from the x-days of minicamp for personal reasons, and we're looking forward to seeing him ready to go in training camp.  This was something he had pre-scheduled with us, and we were happy to allow it for him.  Uh, you over there, next question?"

"Coach Saleh, but where IS Aaron"?

"As I said, his excused time away is personal, and we were happy to allow it.  Sorry folks, you can ask it a hundred different ways, this is the answer.  Next question please.".

"Coach Saleh, we really want to know where Aaron is."

With a big smile on his face "Asked and answers, next question please".

Saleh sucks at the press, simple as that really, his fumbling turned it into more of a story than it needed to be.

"Coach Saleh. Was this an officially excused absence from the team?"

Next question.

"Will Arron be fined by the league for missing this mandatory mini camp?"

You will have to ask the league.

"Did the Jets excuse the absence? That's what determines the fine."

Next question.

If you don't think the follow up questions don't go anything like that then I don't know what to tell you. The media would absolutely want to know if the absence was excused or not and would not let up until they got an answer. A non-answer is the same as saying it wasn't excused. 

It wasn't about where he was. It was about whether it was excused by the team or not. Do you really not understand that?

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6 minutes ago, bicketybam said:

"Coach Saleh. Was this an officially excused absence from the team?"


6 minutes ago, bicketybam said:

"Will Arron be fined by the league for missing this mandatory mini camp?"


6 minutes ago, bicketybam said:

"Did the Jets excuse the absence? That's what determines the fine."

It was pre-arranged, and excused.

6 minutes ago, bicketybam said:

If you don't think the follow up questions don't go anything like that then I don't know what to tell you. The media would absolutely want to know if the absence was excused or not and would not let up until they got an answer. A non-answer is the same as saying it wasn't excused. 

It wasn't about where he was. It was about whether it was excused by the team or not. Do you really not understand that?

Billy Scumbag up on New England cock-blocked the media with short answers and repeated answers for 20 years.  It's not as hard as all that tbqh.  

The media can want whatever it wants, if you don't feed them, all then can do is whine about not being fed.

Saleh calling it unexcused and fumbling the presser was the catalyst for most of the controversy. 

You say you're not some green-eyed homer, but if you can't even admit that Saleh handled this poorly, and feel the need to white-knight for Saleh on even this, all I can do is lol at you man.  Just lol.

Again, it wouldn't eliminate it as a fan/media topic, nothing could once Rodgers decided to skip, but Saleh could have done a lot to temper the situation pretty easily.  Instead he threw gas on it needlessly.

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14 minutes ago, Warfish said:



It was pre-arranged, and excused.

Billy Scumbag up on New England cock-blocked the media with short answers and repeated answers for 20 years.  It's not as hard as all that tbqh.  

The media can want whatever it wants, if you don't feed them, all then can do is whine about not being fed.

Saleh calling it unexcused and fumbling the presser was the catalyst for most of the controversy. 

You say you're not some green-eyed homer, but if you can't even admit that Saleh handled this poorly, and feel the need to white-knight for Saleh on even this, all I can do is lol at you man.  Just lol.

Again, it wouldn't eliminate it as a fan/media topic, nothing could once Rodgers decided to skip, but Saleh could have done a lot to temper the situation pretty easily.  Instead he threw gas on it needlessly.

It will be public knowledge that it was unexcused. You wanted him to lie or did you want the team to excuse his trip to Egypt?

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20 minutes ago, bicketybam said:

It will be public knowledge that it was unexcused. You wanted him to lie or did you want the team to excuse his trip to Egypt?

My order of preference, since you asked:

1. I prefer Rodgers not do/go to (whatever he did, are we sure it was Egypt now?), and that he attend camp.

2. If not 1., ok, then I prefer the Jets to do whatever it takes to minimize the story and distraction. 

If in fact it was a fait accompli that Rodgers was skipping camp, then yes, I prefer the Jets excuse it officially (clearly Rodgers lives under "Jordan rules" as opposed to other players, and that's not ideal, but it's not really THAT bad or unexpected either) and that the Jets PR mouthpieces (in this case Saleh) pull a Bellicheck, and verbally cock block the media to minimize the story.  

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15 minutes ago, Warfish said:

My order of preference, since you asked:

1. I prefer Rodgers not do/go to (whatever he did, are we sure it was Egypt now?), and that he attend camp.

2. If not 1., ok, then I prefer the Jets to do whatever it takes to minimize the story and distraction. 

If in fact it was a fait accompli that Rodgers was skipping camp, then yes, I prefer the Jets excuse it officially (clearly Rodgers lives under "Jordan rules" as opposed to other players, and that's not ideal, but it's not really THAT bad or unexpected either) and that the Jets PR mouthpieces (in this case Saleh) pull a Bellicheck, and verbally cock block the media to minimize the story.  

I don't think excusing him for what they wouldn't excuse others for is an awful precedent. I honestly can't see how it could be seen otherwise. 

The best option was to "slap him on the wrists" with everyone on the team knowing it's doesn't mean dick. And that's what they did. He's a HOF QB and he can afford the fines.

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