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Jets need another fullback


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We lost Sowell and I'm not completely sold on Askew yet. At the very least, we need someone to back-up Askew. My vote goes for Matt Bernstein from Wisconsin. He looks like the best blocking fullback in the draft.

The other two fullbacks I like are Larence Vickers from Colorado and Garret MIlls. Vickers looks like another Richie Anderson-type, a johnny on the spot who may not be the best blocker but can catch and run the ball well. Mills is Chris Cooley type.

In the fifth round it looks like we can get a good escort service for Martin or Lendale White or Maroney or whoever will be a our RB.

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We lost Sowell and I'm not completely sold on Askew yet. At the very least, we need someone to back-up Askew. My vote goes for Matt Bernstein from Wisconsin. He looks like the best blocking fullback in the draft.

The other two fullbacks I like are Larence Vickers from Colorado and Garret MIlls. Vickers looks like another Richie Anderson-type, a johnny on the spot who may not be the best blocker but can catch and run the ball well. Mills is Chris Cooley type.

In the fifth round it looks like we can get a good escort service for Martin or Lendale White or Maroney or whoever will be a our RB.

a Chris Cooley type would be awesome...that dude is sick..

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In order of priority this is at the bottm for the Jets- get the local guy Leonard from Rutgers next year would be perfect

only thing is, Brian Leonard may be a top 5 RB in the draft next year!!! a for sure first day pick IMO. Thats high for a FB.

He's worth it though. TB was crazy to draft Mike alstott at the very top of the 2nd round in 97. NOT!

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In order of priority this is at the bottm for the Jets- get the local guy Leonard from Rutgers next year would be perfect

Yeah I know it isn't top priority but in the 5th round a fullback would certainly be worth it. We don't really know what Askew is yet. If Askew sucks it will kill our running game next year, no matter how good our O-line is.

In the fifth round we can either get a good starting fullback or a back-up special teamer? What is the higher value?

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