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A message to my detractors!!!


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Have you all lost your minds??? Most of my detractors are Yankee fans on this JN.com Baseball Forum. And if youre on this forum and a Yankee fan, youre also a NY Jets fan. Meaning youre 2 time losers by definition!!!

Maxman, JonEJinx, shawn306, et al...Time to shut the F up and not talk to or about me! At least I have experienced a legit championship once in awhile. You people dont have a legit title between you!!! F off you bunch of losers!

I wouldnt be shocked to learn that many of you are registered Democrats. Lord knows youre angry and bitter enough to be!!!

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I don't talk to you...I talk about how great you are....that you have been the most significant contributor turning the Yankee season around

I talk about that you are our teams best friend.

You are our lucky charm.

You are a prognosticator extraorrdinerre

All positives =D>

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At least I have experienced a legit championship once in awhile.

once every 86 years is what you call "once in a while" ??

Once in a while is how often your pathetic ass gets laid. Once every 86 years is once in a lifetime you schmuck.

You act is so tired and played out it funny. You have made yourself look like an ignorant Hater on more then one occasion.

I have taken sh*ts that made more sence then you do.

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This thread almost got deleted. Instead I will let it stay as an example of exactly what is not allowed here.

Bosox man you have to grow up already. You just told me to not talk to you after I invited you here? After I have defended you here? You blast these guys night and day and when the Yankees win\Red Sox lose you come back with this?

Cmon man. Keep the debate about baseball. Why you felt the need to through the political line I don't know. But this wreaks of whah whah whah 'ism.

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