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Trachsel Returns to Cubs


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Man, the Cubs really know how to strike fear into their opponents for the stretch run.

Doug - you mean getting the ace back that almost set the CUB record (and thats saying something) for losses in a season (8 and 18 in 1999) isn't a good aquisition?:)

Then the POS had the sack to grab anybody in the media who would listen to him and talk about how most of the losses weren't his fault while carrying close to a 6 point ERA.

Good job Hendry - this clown is just what we needed for some solid insurance.

Sorry for the pessimism, but I can't stand when professional athletes don't own it when they suck.

Actually, as up and down as they seem, the Cubs starters lead the National League in low ERA and are 4th in all of baseball.

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Doug - you mean getting the ace back that almost set the CUB record (and thats saying something) for losses in a season (8 and 18 in 1999) isn't a good aquisition?

Nothing like some stats to drive home a point.

It's the Cubs fans that'll be scared when he pitches, not the opposition.

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