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Women who need to get something out of relationships


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Pretty funny stuff.

This is pretty funny. I was forwarded this from a friend that swears it to be real. Nevertheless, a good read, but a little long.

May 23, 2005

Dear Davey:

I have had a difficult time, over the past few years,

achieving closure of our relationship. It is time for me to seek

this. I have gone through the appropriate stages of anger,

remorse, sadness.

It is now time for me to close this chapter of my life.

I am trying to recapture my life and gain a sense of identity

back. In my professional life I have done this, but my

personal life struggles. For so long I/We were "Sarah and

Davey", that it is hard to gain my own identity back. I am not worried about

my career; I will soon succeed even my wildest dreams. I am just

stunted by my personal life.

I am ready to release you from my life. I also on a

weekly basis encounter people who want to tell me about you or

have a discussion about you. I do not want to deal with this anymore. I do have a proposal on how to handle this.

I am ready to no longer be forced to deal with your presence. As to how to deal with it, I propose the following:

1. I've heard you have an apartment on the West side. You

need to move out of the West side of Indianapolis, this has

always been my side of town, I own a house here, and do not rent like you. I grew up here, and always want to live here. I would prefer if you were to leave Indianapolis all together, but I know this is more than I can ask. I do not want to risk running into you at any store.

2. We should officially divide our friends. Particularly

Jim, Jillian, Amy, and Ed. You should write them, thanking them

for the opportunity to be their friend and explain why you can no longer be in contact with them. I can provide you with addresses, if you need.

3. I will stay out of Republican politics. I promise not

to get involved with any Republican politics, unless my father

runs for judge, and than I reserve the right to work on his campaign.

4. I would like you to not have anything to do with all

things Cathedral. I feel I should have ownership of the school

since my mother works there and my brother and sisters went there. You are more tied to Wabash. This should be where you dedicate your alumni status. I will be involved in Cathedral. When the time of reunions comes up, I am willing to say that you can have the reunions ending in "0" years and I will take the"5" years. So you can have 10 years and I will take 25 years.

5. I will avoid Wabash contacts. The few guys from the house I

still speak to on a rare basis, I will not. I will also discourage any male offspring I have from attending Wabash. I know some of these things seem a bit harsh, but I feel they are for the best. I do not ever really wish to see you again. I know that this will of course happen beyond my control, but I think we should do our best to avoid what we can.

It is my sincere hope that you understand, and do take the time

to respond. This is my last request of you.

With fondness,




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