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Amy Snorting Blow RIGHT ONSTAGE!!!


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Yeah people should enjoy whatever music they enjoy. You don't have to go digging through vintage things to find good music but do you see who wins grammys or AMAs these days? People don't seem to care about music anymore and it's a shame. Damn 80s killed it.

Video killed the radio star?

Does anybody here think Bob Dylan, Keith Richards and Eric Clapton all woke up one day and were rich rock stars? They toured for years, they did blow to keep the pace, and then inevitably did dope to come down. Thats how they got hooked. I don't condone it, but I understand it.

When Amy Winehouse puts in the hours that Bob Dylan and the Band put it on that 1965 tour or America, then you can compare their drug use.

And not for nothing, those artists wrote songs ten, twenty, even forty years ago and people are still buying the records (CD's).

Amy Winehouse? Nobody will be listening to that sh*thead 5 months from now.

Ah, it's the rough life of the musician that caused their drug use? **** them. I have worked as many hours in the past ten years as they did in their lives. They chose that life. Povero Keith Richards. Povero Bob Dylan and Eric Clapton. If they couldn't cut it they should have tried a real job for a couple of months.

I think she's hot. I want to floss the enormous gaps in her disgusting teeth with my tongue. Then run my fingers through her hay-like beehive. Then wipe her drippy nose with my bare fingers and use it as lube. So sexy.

Smizzy is right. You are one disgusting ****er in the lounge.

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If you get a chance,watch "Amazing Journey-the Story of the Who". It's brutally honest, almsot painful, to watch, at points. But still a great watch. I admit, I'm kinda biased.

One shocking thing-from the time Keith Moon died until Entwistle vaporlocked, the only reason they toured was Entwistle was a total spendthrift-cars, houses, clothes,new girlfriends. Now, these guys were in arguably one of the msot successful bands in rock history, and still Entwistle couldn't figure it out;he was still a 16-year old pissing away his money on anything and everything he could buy. So basically his bandmates, who still loved him dearly but weren't real keen on touring, would get together from time to time to bail him out of his financial mess by touring the world. And at the end of the tour, they would hand him a check for several million dollars. Only to get the call a few months later he was tapped out again.

Point being-music is a scummy business. It takes people in, eats them up and spits them out-dead folks galore, Mick Mars, Keith Richards, Axl Rose. Even great success doesn't solve the problems anyone might have. You are still the same person with the same set of problems and pathologies, except your ego might have grown beyond what it ought to be. Suspect Winehouse's success, like Entwistle's, has only made what ever problems she had even worse.

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Amy Winehouse fans revolt after shambolic gig

Fans lash out and demand refunds after London show

10 hours ago

Amy Winehouse fans have lashed out against the singer following a shambolic performance from her at London's Hammersmith Apollo on Saturday night (November 24).

Winehouse arrived on stage 45 minutes late, at 22:15, by which time some fans were already demanding refunds for their

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In no particular order



Even if it wasn't for the solar system of terrifying warts, or whatever those things are, he'd still make the list. As it stands, this Motorhead legend is one of the Patron Saints of Ugly. An automatic, as they say. Wonder if he ever worries about one of those flesh biscuits falling off into his soup?

Roland Orzabal


You have to admire a man who looks like Carrot Top's less-fortunate brother, is named both Roland and Orzabal, and is still successful. Apparently he conquered his fears. Maybe they should've been called Tears for Reflective Surfaces?

Joey Ramone


Hey, I admire him as much as anyone, but he was ugly. The man had no chin, not even a hint of one. It was just neck, then mouth. And it went downhill from there.

Mick Mars


A seemingly endless reservoir of hideous. Always looks like he's been dead since Wednesday, no matter what day it happens to be. His appearances (then and especially now) on the Motley Crue installment of Behind the Music made me want to call my parents and just chat.

Vinnie Vincent


Don't believe me? Watch this. Vinnie is the one who looks like a monkey in a Rick Springfield wig, under the influence of Space Shuttle G-Force.

David Crosby


Bald on top, pube curtains on the sides, a moustache that's almost certainly full of baloney sandwich crumbs, a penchant for hippie clothing, and a body like the Liberty Bell (the crack is where they installed the press-on liver). Nearly the complete package.

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Ric Ocasek


Hey Ric, why the long face? Wonder how many times he's heard that one? The man looks like a wax figure in a hot room. I bet even John Kerry mocks him.

Mick Jones


Proof once again that a person can be both unsightly and cool as hell. A musical genius who got short-changed on his earthly container. A classic Euro-Ugly.

Iggy Pop


I know he's kind of old in this Shemp-Howard-on-a-bender pic, but even when he was a youngling Iggy could scare the varnish off a door. And I'm not talking about his ferociousness, either.

Perry Farrell


Just nostrils, tendons, and hair.

Steven Tyler


Apparently the victim of a catastrophic mouth-muscle collapse. Looks like he got drunk one night and tried to stretch his lips all the way around a steering wheel, and the **** never fully snapped back.

Jim Skafish


Obscure? Perhaps. But look at that picture and tell me he doesn't belong on this list. No seriously, take another look at it. As my grandfather would put it, I wish I had his nose full of dimes. And Fantastic Sam's should refund his $8.00 without delay.

Gene Simmons


Don't believe me? Watch this. Gene is the one who looks like Epstein from Welcome Back Kotter after decades of Little Debbie abuse, wearing a leather jumpsuit, and making faces like he'd enjoy nothing more than a good bowel movement.

Bill Berry


Probably wouldn't have made the list if he'd just gone down to Revco and spent 99 cents on a pair of tweezers. One of the richest and most magnificent monobrow pelts in the history of recorded music. There's more wild black hair above his eye sockets than in an entire issue of Penthouse from 1978.

Sonic Youth (Entire Band)


It's quite an accomplishment when every member of a band is ugly, but these guys (and gal) pull it off. It's all Ricks and Bun Es in Sonic Youth, without even a suggestion of Toms or Robins. You've got to admire that.

Shane MacGowan


Pasty, paunchy, perpetually drunk, and with a mouth like somebody stepped on a weak spot and fell through a porch. All hail the king!

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If you can't stand her trip and if she's a ****ing scumbag why do you even care what happens to her?

I have a better question, why do even care about what I think?

With all due respect, I've only enough compassion to go around. There is a long line of people in front this over-indulged brat, with her oh so played out ostentatious public display of drug abuse and attention seeking.

I think it's kind of sad that you would attack me, when you know me, you've met me, you know I'm a husband and a father, and yet you place your loyalty for a junkie POS who doesn't even honor her obligation to put on a decent performance for the people who actually would pay money to see her.

One more question- if this thread was about Britney Spears, and not Amy Outhouse, would you still call me a know it all on a high horse?

Video killed the radio star?

Ah, it's the rough life of the musician that caused their drug use? **** them. I have worked as many hours in the past ten years as they did in their lives. They chose that life. Povero Keith Richards. Povero Bob Dylan and Eric Clapton. If they couldn't cut it they should have tried a real job for a couple of months.

Smizzy is right. You are one disgusting ****er in the lounge.

Take it easy, you took the quote out of context. My Dylan comment was a result of a point/counterpoint. I certainly wasn't trying to engender any sympathy for Bob 'cos he was a drug addict 25 years ago. Besides, I'm sure he's gotten over it by now. :lol:

Anyway I agree, Johnny Cash and Keith Richards should have gotten a "real job", like truckdriver.

It's not like any of those guys do amphetemines or other stimulants.

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Take it easy, you took the quote out of context. My Dylan comment was a result of a point/counterpoint. I certainly wasn't trying to engender any sympathy for Bob 'cos he was a drug addict 25 years ago. Besides, I'm sure he's gotten over it by now. :lol:

Anyway I agree, Johnny Cash and Keith Richards should have gotten a "real job", like truckdriver.

It's not like any of those guys do amphetemines or other stimulants.

Get a hair cut, hippie.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Winehouse is arrested by police

_44231246_winehouse_203bpa.jpg Winehouse recently scrapped her tour in order to rest

Singer Amy Winehouse has been released on bail after police arrested her in connection with an investigation into perverting the course of justice. Her husband, Blake Fielder-Civil, 25, has been remanded in custody charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice.

Mr Fielder-Civil, from Camden, north London, is due to appear in court next month to face the charge.

He has also been charged with inflicting grievous bodily harm.

Earlier, a Scotland Yard spokeswoman said: "A 24-year-old woman has been arrested by appointment at an east London police station."

A statement was released on Amy Winehouse's behalf.

It said: "Amy Winehouse attended a London police station today on a voluntary basis at a pre-agreed time.

"She was arrested, as is common practice, she is being interviewed by police.

"No charges have been brought."

Cancelled tour

It is alleged that Mr Fielder-Civil, along with 39- year-old Michael Brown from Holloway, north London, attacked pub landlord James King at the Macbeths public house in Hoxton, east London, in June last year.

Police also suspect they then conspired to pervert the course of justice by offering Mr King a significant amount of money to withdraw his allegation and leave the country.

Two other men facing the same charge are Anthony Kelly, 25, from Chalk Farm, north-west London, and James King, 36, from Risley, Derbyshire.

All four have been remanded in custody until next month and are expected to go on trial in June.

Ms Winehouse has been in the headlines all year after reports of drug use, rehabilitation treatment and cancelled performances - as well as awards success and a best-selling album.

She cancelled her remaining UK tour dates following her husband's arrest.

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