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Mitchell Report- What a read!

Lil Bit Special

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Well, I just read the entire report. My eyes are killing me from staring at this screen since 2:30pm.

If you havent read the report, I suggest you read the entire thing. I went in with an open mind, expecting that many mets and yankees would be named because of Radomski being the biggest supplier of names.

I enjoyed the read. I was sadded by the names listed. but not surprised by most. Probably Pettite was the biggest surprise to me.

I think this report is just the tip of the iceburg. If you think this is everyone who has used steroids/hgh is listed here you are wrong. Its amazing how many names there are from such few sources. Maybe the players association will be willing to cooperate instead of looking like asshats.

One thing I do agree with other posters is why we needed to have names attached to this. Would we be better served by anonymity or would we still get no progress like we have in the past? hopefully by putting these names out there, this will force baseball to change it policies and make the punishment so severe you will never want to take the drugs again.

I am glad this report came out. I am hopeful we will see change. I am hopeful we will get more names released also. Everyone of them should be held up to ridicule. And hopefully we will get enough attention on this, if not for baseball, then for the youth of America who 5% believe its ok to use performance enhancing drugs to get better athletically no matter what the consequence to their body.

Mr Selig. Mr. Fehr. Clean up this game now.

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This is a disgrace to the sport I grew up watching. We all knew this was coming. Everyone of these players should be ashamed of themselves. I don't want to hear excuses like Pettitte's either. Its cheating. They all cheated. They tainted the game, and now its time to taint them. I have rooted for many of these guys as members of the team I love. I feel like they kicked us, the fans , in the balls. They honestly don't care about anything but making money at any cost. These are the guys kids look up to. Disgrace !!

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I read skimmed the report over 2 hours and thought it could be interesting. I went looking for the names mostly. Very long report, but after 8 months, I think more than 60 names are needed, especially since in 03, MLB tested everyone and over 100 tests were positive for roids.

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Well, I just read the entire report. My eyes are killing me from staring at this screen since 2:30pm.

If you havent read the report, I suggest you read the entire thing. I went in with an open mind, expecting that many mets and yankees would be named because of Radomski being the biggest supplier of names.

I enjoyed the read. I was sadded by the names listed. but not surprised by most. Probably Pettite was the biggest surprise to me.

I think this report is just the tip of the iceburg. If you think this is everyone who has used steroids/hgh is listed here you are wrong. Its amazing how many names there are from such few sources. Maybe the players association will be willing to cooperate instead of looking like asshats.

Mr Selig. Mr. Fehr. Clean up this game now.

Based on his press conference last night at 6 P.M. EST, Fehr will not cooperate with the Commissioner at all. He is quite upset that he did not get a copy of the final draft until 1 P.M., in spite of his repeatedly asking for it. His words.

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Based on his press conference last night at 6 P.M. EST, Fehr will not cooperate with the Commissioner at all. He is quite upset that he did not get a copy of the final draft until 1 P.M., in spite of his repeatedly asking for it. His words.
Why would he? Essentailly Selig sent Mitchell out to write his BS report, smear some players(some fairly some unfairly) to get a leg up next time in collective bargaining and public opinion.

It would have been better to say in 2006, what ever happened, happened; no consequences. Have a totally anonymous striclty in house investigation, figure out what happened, put new safeguards in place and with the agreement of Fehr and the MLBPA institute a testing protocol. Instead we got a dog&pony show concentrating on 4 people. Fehr knows there has to be testing. It would have been better to bring him on board and for him to cooperate than to have this flaming bag of nuclear poop dropped on his doorstep. Now why should the union do anything without a fight?

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Why would he? Essentailly Selig sent Mitchell out to write his BS report, smear some players(some fairly some unfairly) to get a leg up next time in collective bargaining and public opinion.

It would have been better to say in 2006, what ever happened, happened; no consequences. Have a totally anonymous striclty in house investigation, figure out what happened, put new safeguards in place and with the agreement of Fehr and the MLBPA institute a testing protocol. Instead we got a dog&pony show concentrating on 4 people. Fehr knows there has to be testing. It would have been better to bring him on board and for him to cooperate than to have this flaming bag of nuclear poop dropped on his doorstep. Now why should the union do anything without a fight?

It is tough to argue with your logic. The Union has to be very upset that such "flimsy" evidence was all that was the result of this report. And, that several players were protrayed in a negative light, soley based on "he said that he heard from someone else who said that...).

I hope this whole report "stench" dies out real soon.

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