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I miss TicTac (And Greengal too!)


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sorry guys, setting up a cat house for my grandparents, and going to old country buffet with them wins out over posting, today at least :P

My grandma goes to the lady at old country buffet, " so are you ready for christmas?" she just nods her head. We also bought a Christmas card for my grandpa, because apparently she forgot to buy one ( i just let her do as she pleases, theres no arguing with her) BUT what really pissed me off is the guy at Hallmark, who offers her the rewards card thing, where they send stuff to your house. I told him no, she doesnt need it. He still continues to have her apply and give her cards for it. My grandma wont remember she has been there, and now she will be getting junk mail about hallmark.

hallmark is evil, whats that new holiday they invented? Love day or something. Bullsh!t

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sorry guys, setting up a cat house for my grandparents, and going to old country buffet with them wins out over posting, today at least :P

My grandma goes to the lady at old country buffet, " so are you ready for christmas?" she just nods her head. We also bought a Christmas card for my grandpa, because apparently she forgot to buy one ( i just let her do as she pleases, theres no arguing with her) BUT what really pissed me off is the guy at Hallmark, who offers her the rewards card thing, where they send stuff to your house. I told him no, she doesnt need it. He still continues to have her apply and give her cards for it. My grandma wont remember she has been there, and now she will be getting junk mail about hallmark.

hallmark is evil, whats that new holiday they invented? Love day or something. Bullsh!t

You should have punched the hallmark salesman in the mouth and said "have a nice day."

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You should take her under your wing. :rolleyes:

C'mon now.....he was taking advantage of grandma. That's not right.

Plus, if that was MY grandma (God rest her soul) SHE would have punched his lights out. Where do you think I got my "edge?" ;)

She used to tell me this story of when the N*z* German soldiers walked down the street, alley, whatever, in her village, (town) in Calabria, Italy. She was young - and all the young girls gathered by the window and spit at the soldiers as they walked by....and then they would run and hide. Oh that grandma!

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C'mon now.....he was taking advantage of grandma. That's not right.

Plus, if that was MY grandma (God rest her soul) SHE would have punched his lights out. Where do you think I got my "edge?" ;)

She used to tell me this story of when the N*z* German soldiers walked down the street, alley, whatever, in her village, (town) in Calabria, Italy. She was young - and all the young girls gathered by the window and spit at the soldiers as they walked by....and then they would run and hide. Oh that grandma!

that is a little past gutsy. I coudln't imagine how terrified she'd be had they come running up the stairs.

what part of Italy is that town in? and when were the n*zi's goin through?

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sorry guys, setting up a cat house for my grandparents, and going to old country buffet with them wins out over posting, today at least :P

My grandma goes to the lady at old country buffet, " so are you ready for christmas?" she just nods her head. We also bought a Christmas card for my grandpa, because apparently she forgot to buy one ( i just let her do as she pleases, theres no arguing with her) BUT what really pissed me off is the guy at Hallmark, who offers her the rewards card thing, where they send stuff to your house. I told him no, she doesnt need it. He still continues to have her apply and give her cards for it. My grandma wont remember she has been there, and now she will be getting junk mail about hallmark.

hallmark is evil, whats that new holiday they invented? Love day or something. Bullsh!t

hey tictac...remember that time your parents (mom) got me more gifts than they gave to their own kids? hmmm...someone is trying to adopt. :lol:

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hey tictac...remember that time your parents (mom) got me more gifts than they gave to their own kids? hmmm...someone is trying to adopt. :lol:

Remember the time i went to pick up my cat in leu of going to madison with you? And that other time you wore a bears tye to work?

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that is a little past gutsy. I coudln't imagine how terrified she'd be had they come running up the stairs.

what part of Italy is that town in? and when were the n*zi's goin through?

Grandma was one tough cookie....plus, I suspect there is some sense of security in numbers....I 'dunno.....but I can totally see her doing this. Absolutely. Plus, she wasn't THAT young.

Southern Italy. No idea when. Well, I have an idea...after the allies kind of took control, the nation turned on Mussoillini, and the only resistance was from the North.

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Grandma was one tough cookie....plus, I suspect there is some sense of security in numbers....I 'dunno.....but I can totally see her doing this. Absolutely. Plus, she wasn't THAT young.

Southern Italy. No idea when. Well, I have an idea...after the allies kind of took control, the nation turned on Mussoillini, and the only resistance was from the North.

i bet she could make a mean lasagne!!!

Not as good as mine, but i'm sure it is real tasty

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