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not the wwe stuff. but actual wrestling. anyway anyone wrestled before. i did freshman and sophmore years. well half sophmore ended with a knee injury. but went 19-20 freshman year which wasnt bad for my first time and started off like 3-0 sophmore year but only one guy was any difficulty. than went on to 1-3 which was a round robin tournament and they guy that took first i lost by like 2 pts. great sportsmanship tho. both bs'ed for awhile after the match and he was wondering why i didnt do better being i almost beat him. then i went 3-1 from there and lost to a guy from our rival school but was a close match and i was extremely pissed about it because refs werent calling him for stalling. but after that ****ed up my knee, had to get it drained and was done. started conditioning this year for wrestling til i moved back in with my dad an said screw it. but anyone else care to share some ol wrestling stories?

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