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Were you excited about Matthew Hatchette?


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lol... steve a****er's name is a curse word... that's true jet fan isht right there...

a****er... guess he's at the top of the list... the originator... the one who set the ball rollin... *****er...

Oh my God, you're right - this is the funniest thing ever! A****er!

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I was there and thought McCariens was the sh!t after that game, no lie.

Funny thing about it is that McCariens was supposed to be the new breed and not "same old Jets". Rather than signing whatever name FA they could find (Marshall, Cox, A****er, Lott, Cowart, DAbraham, Garnes) usually with ties to the regime, McCareins was supposed to be a young up and comer that wasn't yet a name that they were going to get before he became a top player. Rather than 3 years after. Didn't work out, but there were articles to that general theory at the time.

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damn those 4 letters inside steves name. Steve A T W A T e r

sperm or bp can you guys fix the censor

hell no!!! that's great sh!t!!! can someone find out if he was our first free agent flop? if he really did start it all? 'cause if he was/did, then he's a curse and deserves to have his name censored.

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Were you excited about Matthew Hatchette? How about Kevan Barlow? Justin McCareins? Sam Cowart?

Can't say I was excited about any of them, except for Sam Cowert, Hell, I was actually pissed when they signed Barlow, he sucked in San Fran! and I knew he would suck here as well, I never seen Hachette or McCarrens as being anything more than #3 or #4 WRs anyway.

I can't see comparing them to the list of guys we signed this off season, except Bubba, who was not signed to be a starter, but if Baker keeps up with his bull****, he may become one by default, although I think Keller would get the bulk of the passing plays to the TEs over Franks.

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How about Kevan Barlow? Justin McCareins? Sam Cowart?

I don't mean to be a negative nellie..but what makes us think this year's "big names" are any different?

I'd love for Fenaca, Jenkins, Pace, Franks and Richardson to all make significant contributions, but if that bitch history wants to repeat herself, then we are all setting ourselves up for yet another year of Jet disappointment.

Rate each addition as to how they will impact the team this year:

Fenaca: A - I think this is the piece we have been missing to anchor that line..hopefully the right side of the line can show up.

Jenkins: C - I would rate him higher, but who knows if this guy can be a NT in a 3-4?

Pace: C- - I want to rate him higher, but all I see is Bryan Thomas II over there.

Franks: B - I think he will be used a lot more this year than originally thought, now that CB is in the doghouse.

Richardson: A- - I think this one is the sleeper folks. I think he can pave the way for TJ and Leon for a healthy rushing attack that may come close to or eclipse 2000 yards this season.

I hope this season is different from the previous ones..we all know the football gods owe us one!

Band-aids, stop gaps, whatever you want to refer to them as, they on a whole make a heck of a lot more sense than the choices the previous regime made.

Mangini, like him or not, is still trying to build this team around his vision. He obviously understands the importance of the lines. They all make sense, in that regard. Between last year's draft and the signing of Faneca this year, he's shored up the badly neglected O-line. Woody may be seen as a stop-gap on the right side, but he's got the potential to be more. Folks, the O-line, our biggest concern now for years, has been addressed. Richardson is also a great add. I'm very optimistic that this will show, not only in TJ's running game, but also in whoever is named the starting QB.

Jenkins was a good add to the D-line. He's not the final piece of the puzzle in my opinion though. I think we're still a couple steps away on defense. I think we'll do ok, but we'll be no where near dominant. lol.

Wide receiver is still a concern as well, but I think they're going to use the TE they drafted more in a catching role, with Bubba more as the blocking TE. Not awful, and nowhere near great, but I think we'll make due with the (optimisticly hoping, of course) return of the running game.

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You call me a dumbass, but fail to realize that when these guys were picked up I was between the games of 8 and 11. :P

O'Donnell was coming of a Super Bowl? Really. Awesome. I knew that. He also wasn't known for slinging the ball around and being a great Quarterback. He had a solid team around him.

Mawae a top center in Seattle? Think not. NOBODY I asked today who was 25 or older, Jets fans and other fans, thought Mawae was anything before being signed by the Jets.

Donnie Abraham was not a sure thing. You cannot call a guy who played well in only one particular system a sure thing. The Jets ran the same system, yeah, but didn't have the pieces that played well enough.

Martin had to be traded for. There is a difference. This is Free Agents, not Restrcited Free Agents.

Comeon Dude you make all Jet fans look like idiots with these K Mawae comments. He was a Probowl center before he came to the Jets. There is a reason why Jets paid him so much money to come play center for them. Unlike Faneca this guy(Mawae) was in the prime of his career, when Jets signed him.

Lets just put it this way Mawae was a more surer thing than Alan Faneca is.(getting the most bang for your bucks)

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Theres a difference between all of those names and Alan Faneca.

None of those guys were Pro Bowl players like Alan Faneca. None of those players made seven straight Pro Bowl apperances before being signed by the team. None of those players came from Super Bowl Champions. None of those players played as well as Faneca did at their respected positions.

You could pretty much say the same thing for Kris Jenkins as well.

Alan Faneca is the Jets first close to "sure thing" Free Agent (that wasn't 35 years old) they've brought in since I've been freakin' alive.

Curtis Martin?

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