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Dan Giese gets clobbered in major league debut

Jet Moses

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Pedro in 4 starts has more wins than Hughes, Kennedy and Chamberlain combined. Kind of funny if you think about it. Way to hold on to young studs Cashman.

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Pedro in 4 starts has more wins than Hughes, Kennedy and Chamberlain combined. Kind of funny if you think about it. Way to hold on to young studs Cashman.
Ok you hold on to Pedro, keep me updated on who has more wins, come the end of the season, and the next decade while you are at it.

WHAT A JOKE!!!! How did Pedro help out last year, during the BIGEST CHOKE IN BASEBALL HISTORY???

Go ahead bring up '04, like your a Sox fan, at least we were there, we make the post season every year remember? How did it go in 2000???

How come nobody can answer WHAT THE CONSECUTIVE POST SEASON APPEARANCES STREAK IS UP TO???Seriously I lost count.

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Ok you hold on to Pedro, keep me updated on who has more wins, come the end of the season, and the next decade while you are at it.

WHAT A JOKE!!!! How did Pedro help out last year, during the BIGEST CHOKE IN BASEBALL HISTORY???

Go ahead bring up '04, like your a Sox fan, at least we were there, we make the post season every year remember? How did it go in 2000???

How come nobody can answer WHAT THE CONSECUTIVE POST SEASON APPEARANCES STREAK IS UP TO???Seriously I lost count.

It was a joke. If Pedro actually has more wins at the end of the season, I would actually be shocked and yes amused. But think about it, 1 win from the 3 young studs.

The yankees have made the post season 13 years in a row if I am not mistaken. But with a payroll 200 Million+, you had better do it. Tell me why Torre was let go unceremoniously as he's made the playoffs 13 straight times. I am sure fans in Yankee land are thrilled to watch Boston win championships, but don't worry the Yankees will continue to make the playoffs and get bounced in the first round.

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but don't worry the Yankees will continue to make the playoffs and get bounced in the first round.

Well, it is better than being a second class team and missing the playoffs after a September choke job for the record books.

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Big Red Machine still undefeated in Yankee stadium.



6.2 4 3 0 0 5

Jetmoses, are you ever right about anything or are you some gay sadomasochistic teenager who likes being tortured on messageboards by constantly posting opinions/information that are obviously wrong?

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New York Yankees: 40-35

New York Mets: 36-37

So apparently the Mets are 3 Games back in the New York standings. Last I checked, it had no bearing on anything other than some back and forth talk between fans. Fine by me. Only standing I look at is, the NL east I see the Mets being 4.5 games back of Philly. By no means is that impossible to overcome. As a matter of fact, I think their chances of catching Philly looks a lot better today than it did a week ago. If you want to continue to chirp on having a better record than the Mets go ahead. I don't need to remind you that these same Mets went to Yankee stadium and went through the 40-35 Yankees like some chew toy against their 2 best starters no less.

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So apparently the Mets are 3 Games back in the New York standings. Last I checked, it had no bearing on anything other than some back and forth talk between fans. Fine by me. Only standing I look at is, the NL east I see the Mets being 4.5 games back of Philly. By no means is that impossible to overcome. As a matter of fact, I think their chances of catching Philly looks a lot better today than it did a week ago. If you want to continue to chirp on having a better record than the Mets go ahead. I don't need to remind you that these same Mets went to Yankee stadium and went through the 40-35 Yankees like some chew toy against their 2 best starters no less.

Oh wow, you beat us twice. Oh no, you are the superior team. Not. :rl:. Every team has their runs of success no matter how bad they actually are. The Yankees have had injuries. Whats the Mets fans excuse? Ryan f'ing Church? :rl:

Bottom line is Mets fans should shut their mouths. Worry about your own below .500 team.

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It was a joke. If Pedro actually has more wins at the end of the season, I would actually be shocked and yes amused. But think about it, 1 win from the 3 young studs.

The yankees have made the post season 13 years in a row if I am not mistaken. But with a payroll 200 Million+, you had better do it. Tell me why Torre was let go unceremoniously as he's made the playoffs 13 straight times. I am sure fans in Yankee land are thrilled to watch Boston win championships, but don't worry the Yankees will continue to make the playoffs and get bounced in the first round.

and with a 150 million payroll like the mets should do it but wait they dont.

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and with a 150 million payroll like the mets should do it but wait they dont.

With a 150 million dollar payroll they should definitely make the playoffs. They haven't shown that they will. We'll know at the end of the year. The mets payroll has been anywhere in the stratosphere as the Yankees the previousl 10-15 years. Look it up its a "fact"

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Oh wow, you beat us twice. Oh no, you are the superior team. Not. :rl:. Every team has their runs of success no matter how bad they actually are. The Yankees have had injuries. Whats the Mets fans excuse? Ryan f'ing Church? :rl:

Bottom line is Mets fans should shut their mouths. Worry about your own below .500 team.

Mets didn't beat you. I doubt they know who you are. But they actually destroyed the Yankees twice. It should have been 13-2.

Ryan Church was actually having a better year than any Yankee you could name, when he got hurt. Met fans don't cry about injuries.

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It was a joke. If Pedro actually has more wins at the end of the season, I would actually be shocked and yes amused. But think about it, 1 win from the 3 young studs.

The ankees have made the post season 13 years in a row if I am not mistaken. But with a payroll 200 Million+, you had better do it. Tell me why Torre was let go unceremoniously as he's made the playoffs 13 straight times. I am sure fans in Yankee land are thrilled to watch Boston win championships, but don't worry the Yankees will continue to make the playoffs and get bounced in the first round.

Listen, I have not been a big fan of almost every Yankee move starting with the Giambi signing to date, which I stated several times. So what 2 young studs with nothing but time infront of them are struggling, Joba will be fine, if he can't start which obviously he can, he is stll an ace in relief with the potential to be the best closer in the league. I did not count on all to be studs anyway, but I am not worried about any of the young arms, time will tell if they were worth holding on to, not 1/4 of their firs starting season. As for the comment I know you were kidding, but Perdro is a seasoned vet, it's worse for him to get shallacked than it is for a rookie. Torre was let go because ownereship wanted a change, did they handle it good not in my opinion, did Torre deserve the cold shoulder absolutely not. Now how any Mets fan can talk sh*t is beyond me what was your payroll all the years you choked, and got owned??? You guys are just like dolphin fans. The Yankees made the post season 13 years in a row, and you talk smack. How many teams can you name that come close? When was the last time the mets made back to back play off runs. If we go out in round 1 at least we made it, and like I said earlier, I do not like the moves or rosters Cashman has put together, with a little more pitching that Yanks win number 27 and 28 already. Oh and big deal the Sox won 2 in everybodies life time, another JOKE!!! Sanata is on the delcine and he has not been as good as they pay him to be, if he was in the AL, he would be even worse, I'm glad we did not get him you can have him. The Mets as an orginization and their fans, can not fill the Yankees jock.
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Mets didn't beat you. I doubt they know who you are. But they actually destroyed the Yankees twice. It should have been 13-2.

Ryan Church was actually having a better year than any Yankee you could name, when he got hurt. Met fans don't cry about injuries.

Not all yankees fans cry about injuries, and big deal you beat us, we have a better record in a tougher division, and we don't carry the ugly stain of chocking down King Kong's Big Apple last year.
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