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Dwight Lowery Won That game For Us


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there's an old football addage BJ667 that says DEFENSE WINS CHAMPIONSHIPS-what ended up winning that game for us Sunday? Revis' INT...but yes I loved having Brett Favre at QB instead of who Miami had

lets amend that phrase, offense wins the season, defense wins the championship. you can win enough games in the regular season to make the playoffs with a good - great offense, but to win in the playoffs, you need a d. Jets are on their way to both

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lets amend that phrase, offense wins the season, defense wins the championship. you can win enough games in the regular season to make the playoffs with a good - great offense, but to win in the playoffs, you need a d. Jets are on their way to both

I think you need both. Or else the past decade would have been Bears-Ravens 2-0 games in the SB. Instead of offensive juggernauts like the Colts, Giants, Rams and Pats for like 8 out of 9 of those years. Offense gets you to the Super Bowl, and defense is what lets you win the big game. But if Eli Manning didn't find a way to generate offense, the Pats would have won the SB. So you still need to be able to score, it's just it's harder to because the defenses step up.

If you're scoring 30 a game in the regular season and the first rounds of the playoff, maybe you can score 20 in the SB. If you're only scoring 20 in the regular season, you'll manage 3 points in 5 quarters in a playoff game like we did against the Steelers.

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I think you need both. Or else the past decade would have been Bears-Ravens 2-0 games in the SB. Instead of offensive juggernauts like the Colts, Giants, Rams and Pats for like 8 out of 9 of those years. Offense gets you to the Super Bowl, and defense is what lets you win the big game. But if Eli Manning didn't find a way to generate offense, the Pats would have won the SB. So you still need to be able to score, it's just it's harder to because the defenses step up.

If you're scoring 30 a game in the regular season and the first rounds of the playoff, maybe you can score 20 in the SB. If you're only scoring 20 in the regular season, you'll manage 3 points in 5 quarters in a playoff game like we did against the Steelers.

I posted this last week somewhere serphnx-these are the stats from our championship season-look at how many INTs we had-look at Namath's stats...defense wins championships


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I disagree. There is not a CB in the NFL that could have prevented that TD. Unless there is a CB who is either 6'5" or has a 48" vertical leap. Quickness had nothing to do with that play. Chad threw an absolutely perfect touch pass with great arc to a tall TE. Nothing Lowery or any CB could have done.

absolutely DM-and it's not like DL got burned it was a great pass

I didn't say he got burned, but if you guys think that no CB in the NFL could have prevented that TD you are delusional. He fell behind and undercut the guy and Chad (with a blitzer at his feet) floated one over his head. He looked very good all game and didn't look particularly bad on that play, but a true "shut down corner" doesn't get beaten like that. I'm not sure how big Martin is, but I'm sure he's shorter than Plaxico and plenty of other NFL WRs and I don't think he's a very tough cover.

It's sort of like AEC complaining about Revis on crossing routes. It's not like I think the guy is bad, but he has plenty to prove before we send him to the pro bowl.

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I didn't say he got burned, but if you guys think that no CB in the NFL could have prevented that TD you are delusional. He fell behind and undercut the guy and Chad (with a blitzer at his feet) floated one over his head. He looked very good all game and didn't look particularly bad on that play, but a true "shut down corner" doesn't get beaten like that. I'm not sure how big Martin is, but I'm sure he's shorter than Plaxico and plenty of other NFL WRs and I don't think he's a very tough cover.

It's sort of like AEC complaining about Revis on crossing routes. It's not like I think the guy is bad, but he has plenty to prove before we send him to the pro bowl.

There is no such thing as a shut down corner anymore. Even Champ Bailey gets roasted. We've got two really good guys in Revis and Lowery, they can very well turn into shut down corners, and in the case of Revis, he may already very well be one now. I'd definitely put him in the top 5 right now.

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He fell behind and undercut the guy and Chad (with a blitzer at his feet) floated one over his head.

We could argue this forever, but I believe he did not "fall behind". In that sitation on the goal line where the receiver is headed toward the sideline of the endzone, Lowery used the correct technique. He cut in front of the receiver with as little distance between himself and the receiver as possible. If the ball is underthrown he intercepts or at least knocks it down. If it is only slightly underthrown, he is in good position to at least fight for the ball against a taller receiver. If it is overthrown, it is incomplete. Chad threw a perfect pass. All CBs get beat by perfect passes (assuming the reciever runs a good route and actually cathes the ball). Good CBs put themselves in a position to prevent less than perfect passes being completed. Evaluating a CB's ability is more than just measuring the corresponding offensive results.

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there has to be reason Eugene Wilson hasn't been signed yet-as I've said a thousand times-the NFL is a small town and everybody knows everybody else's business-somebody knows something about Wilson....what I'd LIKE to see Sunday is the Barrett-at-safety experiment tried out on the New England TE's

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