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Good news, Orioles!


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Yanks usually do well down there.

Pitching is the major issue right now. Only Cleveland has a worse ERA in all of MLB.

The Yanks staff has also allowed the most runs in all of MLB while issuing the most BB's.

The new Stadium playing like a bandbox has not helped the staff but it has worked both ways in that Damon, Melky and Jeter have been hitting some suprising bombs.

The Yanks SP should be too good for this to continue. The pen I am not so sure about and hopefully MO is healthy. The good news there is many pens throughout the league suck.

The return of AFraud should help the offense.

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I don't know about that

Two major problems right now

1) Driving in runs with runners in scoring position: The Yanks have been nothing short of embarassing.

2) Starting pitching: When you have starters that are barely making it to the sixth inning (In Wang's case the second inning) it leads to getting your bullpen getting used over and over and over.

As much as the Yanks FO will resist they HAVE to put Joba back in the pen and go with Hughes once Wang gets back. If your starting pitchers are only going to be able to go 5 or 6 innings then you need to have a guy that can at least go two innings out of the pen.

As far as #1 is concerned..who knows. It has been a problem that has been around since the 04 playoffs and it is now manifested itself into the regular season.

The core is getting old and the core is not being replaced anytime soon.

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