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Jets/Bucs Game - Meet The Jets, Huge Tailgate

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The weekend of the Jets/Bucs game in Tampa we'll be having events such as meeting Jets players (probably, but not confirmed yet), a huge tailgate party, our own Jets fan parties at clubs like Peabody's, etc.. A number of Jets fan clubs from the East will be joining up with the Tampa club for this monster event, and you're invited! Earl Christy of the SB III Jets, along with other former NFL players will be joining us and will be doing autograph/photo sessions with you! Let us know if you're coming:


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The weekend of the Jets/Bucs game in Tampa we'll be having events such as meeting Jets players (probably, but not confirmed yet), a huge tailgate party, our own Jets fan parties at clubs like Peabody's, etc.. A number of Jets fan clubs from the East will be joining up with the Tampa club for this monster event, and you're invited! Earl Christy of the SB III Jets, along with other former NFL players will be joining us and will be doing autograph/photo sessions with you! Let us know if you're coming:


What other players will be there?

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  • 2 weeks later...
I booked Flt. & hotel already ,I may wait on tickets ,0-5 I can`t see things getting much better for the Buc fans. & figure prices will only go down as we get closer to game date.

Good call, 3 or 4 years ago when Sims went out with that spleen problem I scalped late in the season for the Atlanta game. Got 20$ tickets. ****ty seats, but you get the point. We actually didn't even make it to our seats just crashed at one of the standing room only sections next to the beer stand. Love that stadium.

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