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Star Wars Mafia

Bleedin Green

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Right out of the gate, the members of the Rebellion went straight after brett. It seemed as if things would end quickly, and there would be no waffling today. But before it was too late, brett came up with a compelling argument, and pointed the finger back at Dan. However, Dan was nowhere to be seen. Hours passed, and more hours, and more hours still. Finally Dan came back with her defense, but the members of the Rebellion were simply not convinced. She stood by her story, but nobody bought it. Finally, they had enough, and Dan was lifted up and heaved into the Pit of the Sarlacc, being quickly pulled in and devoured by the beast.


The Dark Lord of the Galactic Empire, Darth Vader (Imperial searching for his son) is dead.

Night four has begun. All night actions are due by 10 PM Wednesday.

Notice BG's updated role for Vader. He just pm'd me saying he updated it.

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And FTR, now that I've got a little more time to explain, my vote on Vic is not OMGUS. As I was stating, Vic referred specifically to me not being able to be converted to the dark side -- something that had never been stated to me, though I know through what was in my PM that Dan probably could have had something close to that in her PM. I know that Dan was told night 1, after I found her, that she had been found (it was basically a chase to see who could find the other first). She didn't know who, just that she'd been found. So, my point is they've probably discussed this a good deal and the entire scum team would know the full extent of her role, what it would have done and what her being found first means to them.

That's why I'm voting for Vic, because I think he had a slight slip up.

As for Crusher and Hess -- I did not make a major case for Dan. I honestly felt like what I was doing made sense, but I understand you guys saying I should have tried to go ahead and take out Dan. In retrospect, it's a good point. Sorry I screwed it up, like I said I thought it was a good idea all along.

AVM- I referred to what I, ME, VICIOUS would have said if I had your "role". It's what I would've said to try and build a case and kill Dan.

I just can't buy that reveal. And it just seems anti-town to sit there and watch SMC die when you could've saved him by fudging your role just a little bit and say your role was to find Vader and once you found Vader you would not be able to be converted by Vader to the dark side. You can fudge the role to save a fellow townie at that point.

It's me trying to figure way to circumvent the rules. Which apparently you're not able to do because BG told you so.

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If you got it a minute Id like to see it.

Vic talking about star wars like he knows more than the rest of us is like Crusher reciting the order of the food on the Old Country buffet by memory. Kinda impressive but not a surprise to anyone.

Like to see what? I said I did NOT make a major case :P

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And FTR, now that I've got a little more time to explain, my vote on Vic is not OMGUS. As I was stating, Vic referred specifically to me not being able to be converted to the dark side -- something that had never been stated to me, though I know through what was in my PM that Dan probably could have had something close to that in her PM. I know that Dan was told night 1, after I found her, that she had been found (it was basically a chase to see who could find the other first). She didn't know who, just that she'd been found. So, my point is they've probably discussed this a good deal and the entire scum team would know the full extent of her role, what it would have done and what her being found first means to them.

That's why I'm voting for Vic, because I think he had a slight slip up.

As for Crusher and Hess -- I did not make a major case for Dan. I honestly felt like what I was doing made sense, but I understand you guys saying I should have tried to go ahead and take out Dan. In retrospect, it's a good point. Sorry I screwed it up, like I said I thought it was a good idea all along.

Question, what was the "RULE" exactly. What you not allowed to talk to her? Not allowed to say her name? Not allowed to speak about her in a negative tone?

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I could claim my power in full as well. What's more is everyone's ability or power could either be vetted or confirmed in some way - except AVM's. We just have to take his word for it.

"I'm the guy whose role was to find Darth Vader which I did by dumb luck on night one but I could not out Darth Vader when I found him or I would have been modkilled. Also the scum knew of the existence of my character and would have nightkilled me if they knew I had figured it out which is why I couldn't make a strong case to lynch Dan X and oh by the way this 'ability' has nothing to do with the Star Wars universe whatsoever even though every other character was easily identifiable by a one sentence description and a revelation of the player's ability. But now that Dan X has been lynched and revealed as Darth Vader I can go ahead an reveal as if I am at L-1 even though no one has voted for me yet."


None of it makes sense to me. Zero.

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Question, what was the "RULE" exactly. What you not allowed to talk to her? Not allowed to say her name? Not allowed to speak about her in a negative tone?

I don't want her death to come at her hands. I can't reveal her role, her name, her allegiances, that I know anything. I can vote, even hammer her -- and seeing as she had NO pressure whatsoever, me just out and out trying to create a case against her seemed to me that it'd do nothing but out me to them, and I'd probably not get followed. I didnt think they'd go ahead and off me right away, as it'd sell out Dan as well -- so I didn't think I should jump on Dan til the opportunity was right.

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And again, I revealed early (while yes, I agree I probably should have waited it out), because A) I knew all the heat was coming on me, and b)I wanted to get out everything I could before I had my study session today.

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I don't want her death to come at her hands. I can't reveal her role, her name, her allegiances, that I know anything. I can vote, even hammer her -- and seeing as she had NO pressure whatsoever, me just out and out trying to create a case against her seemed to me that it'd do nothing but out me to them, and I'd probably not get followed. I didnt think they'd go ahead and off me right away, as it'd sell out Dan as well -- so I didn't think I should jump on Dan til the opportunity was right.

So you literally couldn't utter a single thing about her.

That shouldnt' have stopped you from trying to develop a case, and pushing it hard.

What do you care if it draws their attention if you had a vest basically for NK's?

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I don't want her death to come at her hands. I can't reveal her role, her name, her allegiances, that I know anything. I can vote, even hammer her -- and seeing as she had NO pressure whatsoever, me just out and out trying to create a case against her seemed to me that it'd do nothing but out me to them, and I'd probably not get followed. I didnt think they'd go ahead and off me right away, as it'd sell out Dan as well -- so I didn't think I should jump on Dan til the opportunity was right.

I thought you said you couldn't vote for her? CTM and I had an early train on her after DPR's death and you were nowhere to be seen. When you popped up you stated "you would like to hear more from CTM about Dan".

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Notice BG's updated role for Vader. He just pm'd me saying he updated it.


damn it. Not sure what this means. I guess if he was looking for his son his son would be looking for him? **** you.

It would also make sense you where running around looking for Daddy like a little woose. Daddy Daddy. Hence Pac saw you. I need to relax.

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I thought you said you couldn't vote for her? CTM and I had an early train on her after DPR's death and you were nowhere to be seen. When you popped up you stated "you would like to hear more from CTM about Dan".

He said he could vote. But couldnt say he knew she was scum.

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So you literally couldn't utter a single thing about her.

That shouldnt' have stopped you from trying to develop a case, and pushing it hard.

What do you care if it draws their attention if you had a vest basically for NK's?

Ok Vic, listen. You talked about what you would have done had you been in my shoes, so let me put you and everyone else in my shoes. By the time I started PM'ing BG to figure out what exactly I could/couldn't say (if my memory is correct), he had already made the post warning people about what they were saying. Secondly, there were not many of us left unrevealed. One of which was the doc. In my mind (now you can say this was stupid if you like, that's fine), I thought "if they go after me, and fail -- maybe I draw interest as the doc." Now, again, in my mind, if they do that and I go down the town essentially gets the info of the scum going after the doc WITHOUT losing our doc.

Perhaps I played this bad, but again like what you would have done, you have to understand what was going through my mind.

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damn it. Not sure what this means. I guess if he was looking for his son his son would be looking for him? **** you.

It would also make sense you where running around looking for Daddy like a little woose. Daddy Daddy. Hence Pac saw you. I need to relax.

What does it say that causes you to question exavctly,.just wondering? That he was looking for his son? That makes AVM innocent?

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I thought you said you couldn't vote for her? CTM and I had an early train on her after DPR's death and you were nowhere to be seen. When you popped up you stated "you would like to hear more from CTM about Dan".

No, i COULD vote for her. I could even hammer. But anything I said in this thread essentially had to be equal to any case I'd build on anyone else. Only things she'd say in here, and lets be honest -- she wasn't around enough for me to build any more of a case than I'd build against Sharrow in past games. There was one point I TRIED to hint a little bit, when I referred to her play last game.

I said, "your play now reminds me of last game, which I saw as scummy even though it wasn't" and was trying to illude that I thought she'd be playing the same way in hopes of appearing very pro town. I kinda laid that out for me to be able to go back to, but no one jumped on with me then either. It was so long ago I forgot I even did it. If you'd like, I'll go hunting for it but it'll take some time :P

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-- she wasn't around enough for me to build any more of a case

So you went after Kleck the whole time for doing essentially the same thing?

I encourage everyone to look at Kleckos 50 posts. Especially recently his posts are a lot of one liners, not providing anything and either agreeing with someones post or a sarcastic shot back at someone.
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What does it say that causes you to question exavctly,.just wondering? That he was looking for his son? That makes AVM innocent?

Not innocent but think about it. Why would Bleedin make that change. Though Im not sure he did because I dont read that close. I would like to see if their is a qoute of the original to see if he made that mistake the first time.

I unvoted to think. If Vader is looking for his son, then it mkaes sense his son is looking for him. Vader wanted luke to come to the dark side. Kinda adds relevance to the whole protection looking for my dad thing. Would have been easier if he took DPR's advice and went with the butterfly.

I need JiF to come back and look at it as well as I28. Need more people. No onw should vote anything until we get thru this. This sucks.

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damn it. Not sure what this means. I guess if he was looking for his son his son would be looking for him? **** you.

It would also make sense you where running around looking for Daddy like a little woose. Daddy Daddy. Hence Pac saw you. I need to relax.

I don't buy it for a second.

Ideally in Star Wars, Vader was constantly hunting for Luke. He cut his ****ing hand off, and he was trying to convince him to join the darkside. Only at the very end, the VERY VERY end of RotJ, did Vader protect Luke. This was AFTER Luke had finally convinced Vader to find the good within himself and threw the Emperor into the Death Stars reactor. If this were to make sense with the movie I understand a one time vest. But a full time NK vest until Vader died? Not sure it really jives with how the movies worked.

If anything it should be the TOTAL OPPOSITE of what I said about fudging the role. Luke tried desperately to turn his father back to the path of the Jedi, away from the dark side. If he had said "My role was to turn back Vader into a townie." I could've bought that.

Then you have to factor in the fact that he couldn't give Dan away. He couldn't sell out the dark lord of the galaxy? It still doesn't present an excuse for NOT trying to build a case. Fine, he couldn't say "she's scum!" which is highly unbelievable, but he could've tried developing a strong case for her and continued pushing it. He had no fear of an NK.

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Not innocent but think about it. Why would Bleedin make that change. Though Im not sure he did because I dont read that close. I would like to see if their is a qoute of the original to see if he made that mistake the first time.

I unvoted to think. If Vader is looking for his son, then it mkaes sense his son is looking for him. Vader wanted luke to come to the dark side. Kinda adds relevance to the whole protection looking for my dad thing. Would have been easier if he took DPR's advice and went with the butterfly.

I need JiF to come back and look at it as well as I28. Need more people. No onw should vote anything until we get thru this. This sucks.

No worries. I'm not looking to speed lynch AVM here. Was a serious question.

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Sharrow qouted the oriignal and that was left out. So its a valid claim and change. I hate to say this but Im not able to jusitfy voting him now.

If Vader is looking for Luke, then it makes sense Luke is looking for Vader. If Luke found vader would make sense Vader would not let the empire kill him until he was sure LUKE couldn;t be flipped to the drak side. Not sure if Luke could be flipped, Im just trying to talk thru it.

Once Vader was dead would make sense the empire could kill Luke. It would also make sense that maybe AVM felt he had one in the bag and didn;t get too aggressive becasue he wanted to self preserve? Bad idea, but this game is full of bad ideas.

The one thing that sticks in my mind and makes me not like it is how the **** did AVM decide to look at Dan x 1st. Minus the fact that amybe she was taking a shower.. nevermind

Then again the metal mashing homo's found each other quick.

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I don't buy it for a second.

Ideally in Star Wars, Vader was constantly hunting for Luke. He cut his ****ing hand off, and he was trying to convince him to join the darkside. Only at the very end, the VERY VERY end of RotJ, did Vader protect Luke. This was AFTER Luke had finally convinced Vader to find the good within himself and threw the Emperor into the Death Stars reactor. If this were to make sense with the movie I understand a one time vest. But a full time NK vest until Vader died? Not sure it really jives with how the movies worked.

If anything it should be the TOTAL OPPOSITE of what I said about fudging the role. Luke tried desperately to turn his father back to the path of the Jedi, away from the dark side. If he had said "My role was to turn back Vader into a townie." I could've bought that.

Then you have to factor in the fact that he couldn't give Dan away. He couldn't sell out the dark lord of the galaxy? It still doesn't present an excuse for NOT trying to build a case. Fine, he couldn't say "she's scum!" which is highly unbelievable, but he could've tried developing a strong case for her and continued pushing it. He had no fear of an NK.

I'm trying to figure out how the end result would be GOOD for the town/rebels by keeping Vader alive.

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I don't buy it for a second.

Ideally in Star Wars, Vader was constantly hunting for Luke. He cut his ****ing hand off, and he was trying to convince him to join the darkside. Only at the very end, the VERY VERY end of RotJ, did Vader protect Luke. This was AFTER Luke had finally convinced Vader to find the good within himself and threw the Emperor into the Death Stars reactor. If this were to make sense with the movie I understand a one time vest. But a full time NK vest until Vader died? Not sure it really jives with how the movies worked.

If anything it should be the TOTAL OPPOSITE of what I said about fudging the role. Luke tried desperately to turn his father back to the path of the Jedi, away from the dark side. If he had said "My role was to turn back Vader into a townie." I could've bought that.

Then you have to factor in the fact that he couldn't give Dan away. He couldn't sell out the dark lord of the galaxy? It still doesn't present an excuse for NOT trying to build a case. Fine, he couldn't say "she's scum!" which is highly unbelievable, but he could've tried developing a strong case for her and continued pushing it. He had no fear of an NK.

OK. Then explain this. Why did Bleedin go back and change it. maybe the scum team took a look at each others rols and picked up on it and got him to change it? I klnow when I was scum in the super hero game we all shared our role PM's. Im sure with DPR and Danx ( who was in that game) did the sdame thing.

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I'm trying to figure out how the end result would be GOOD for the town/rebels by keeping Vader alive.

Which is honestly what I don't get. At all.

I think he's capitalizing on a mod edit, my guess is one of his dead scum mates found it (probably dan) and told him about it.

A mod shouldn't be PM'ing someone to say "HEY Look I'm helping you out."

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**** I ****ed up there as I was trying to copy/paste ****...honest mistake. Sorry

You're good -- I saw the first post. Klecko straight up started pissing me off with the not caring about the game, I thought I made that clear that at one point I didn't think it was much of a loss even if he was town. In fact, I said that exact thing :P

Not innocent but think about it. Why would Bleedin make that change. Though Im not sure he did because I dont read that close. I would like to see if their is a qoute of the original to see if he made that mistake the first time.

I unvoted to think. If Vader is looking for his son, then it mkaes sense his son is looking for him. Vader wanted luke to come to the dark side. Kinda adds relevance to the whole protection looking for my dad thing. Would have been easier if he took DPR's advice and went with the butterfly.

I need JiF to come back and look at it as well as I28. Need more people. No onw should vote anything until we get thru this. This sucks.

Now obviously this is what I'd say as I'm trying to protect myself, but think of it this way....

This game doesn't HAVE to go by the movie, obviously (Leia, C-3PO, and R2 are dead...lol), BUT -- if you were to design a game, wouldn't you make it as close to the game as possible? Remember the whole "join me and we'll overthrow the emperor" speech? And trying to bring him back to the dark side, but failing? Then Vaders sacrifice?

Obviously, if I were found first then whatever case brett is about to make would make sense, as I could have possibly been converted (which is what Vic alluded to...and is my whole case on him)

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Which is honestly what I don't get. At all.

I think he's capitalizing on a mod edit, my guess is one of his dead scum mates found it (probably dan) and told him about it.

A mod shouldn't be PM'ing someone to say "HEY Look I'm helping you out."

Who said he did? I've said all along I've been PM'ing him back and forth today

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OK. Then explain this. Why did Bleedin go back and change it. maybe the scum team took a look at each others rols and picked up on it and got him to change it? I klnow when I was scum in the super hero game we all shared our role PM's. Im sure with DPR and Danx ( who was in that game) did the sdame thing.

Crush, IMO the scum KNEW Dan was done yesterday. They probably immediately started hatching ideas in case they come under scrutiny today. Dont' you think AVM was quick on the trigger with his reveal?

Let's not forget he also tried getting us to mass role claim.

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Guys just posting from my phone will be home in 30.. But I had a lightbulb moment

I think AVM is telling the truth on his role... But I think Dan found him first. Will elaborate soon

Cool. We need any help we can get. Nobody should vote AVM or anyone until we get thru this.

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Crush, IMO the scum KNEW Dan was done yesterday. They probably immediately started hatching ideas in case they come under scrutiny today. Dont' you think AVM was quick on the trigger with his reveal?

Let's not forget he also tried getting us to mass role claim.

CTM with his metal ding a ling of homo pleasure was innocent and tried to do that as well. Im intersted in seeing your intial reaction to his claim. This will help me. Not ready to vote AVM or anyone until sweet Boopsie and Brett get back in her. Klecko being absent is not making this fat man happy.

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Which is honestly what I don't get. At all.

I think he's capitalizing on a mod edit, my guess is one of his dead scum mates found it (probably dan) and told him about it.

A mod shouldn't be PM'ing someone to say "HEY Look I'm helping you out."

Yeah, can we get a Mod answer for this?

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Sharrow qouted the oriignal and that was left out. So its a valid claim and change. I hate to say this but Im not able to jusitfy voting him now.

If Vader is looking for Luke, then it makes sense Luke is looking for Vader. If Luke found vader would make sense Vader would not let the empire kill him until he was sure LUKE couldn;t be flipped to the drak side. Not sure if Luke could be flipped, Im just trying to talk thru it.

Once Vader was dead would make sense the empire could kill Luke. It would also make sense that maybe AVM felt he had one in the bag and didn;t get too aggressive becasue he wanted to self preserve? Bad idea, but this game is full of bad ideas.

The one thing that sticks in my mind and makes me not like it is how the **** did AVM decide to look at Dan x 1st. Minus the fact that amybe she was taking a shower.. nevermind

Then again the metal mashing homo's found each other quick.

It was a guess. Here was my thinking...

I wasn't going after a high profile player, as any of them in my mind were likely to get off'd and make me finding him pointless. That took out slats, DPR, CTM, etc.

So I went with my usual theory of low-post characters. Klecko, in my mind, didn't seem to care enough to be a Darth Vader. Pac/JiF weren't active for real life reasons, so I kinda poked in the dark at Dan again, as I said, half-luck half gut.

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