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Letter to WFAN, ESPN1050 & All the Other NFL Talk Shows on TV


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First off the last time I checked WFAN was stationed in NYC..right? Yes thats right.

All year long your station mocked and tongue in cheek held the Jets as some sort of joke. Your station will lose most if not all of the Jets listeners this year just because of Francesa and that other talking head Mallusis.

You guys suck. I won't be listening any longer.

To ESPN & All the Other NFL Talking Heads on TV, just because we have a team that talks and just because the HC talks we are looked like some inferior team. Not one of you experts gave the Jets a chance against the NEP. Thats a fact. And yes ESPN your Pro-Pats but its blind to the fact that the Jets beat the Pats 2 out of 3 times this year. The Pats were one and done. Or did you forget that...The best team in the world, one and done to the Jets.

All anti-Jet rhetoric till last night.

I hope the Jets come out this year and pound the NFL's best into the ground, talk all year long and laugh about it. I hope I see my Jets run up the score each and every sunday and then kick them in the nuts just to make sure the teams got the message. I hope I see this and then I hope that the Jets stop any interviews to the fake, make believe 1050 crew running the 4pm spot.

This is New York, when a New York team is in the playoffs, you support the team. I have never seen so many so-called Jets supporters in the media bash the team...You guys are fakes and hacks at best.

You guys know who you are and your the worst of the bunch. Betting on my Jets to lose on the air and calling your self a Jet "fan" or Jet supporter, some advaice, grow a set of nuts and stop following. Be a man and root for your team.

Let me add that on the WFAN, there is only one guy there...The Schmooze. And that's it. One ESPN1050 Radio its only the Guys doing the coverage for the games and Greg Buttle.

The rest suck.

Just tired of the same Jet bashing....STFU and grow a pair.

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Did you actually send this to them or are you only addressing it to us? If it's only to us, you should have put "My rantings about NY radio stations and the Jets" in the title. You didn't have to mention anything about a letter or anything. They're called threads when you start them, and you don't actually need to address them because it's a forum.

If it's a thread, it's a little silly. They are not worried about losing listeners. It's been like this for years and people still listen. Actually if anything WFAN should have paid more attention, I stopped listening to them because of their Jets bashing and the fact that they kind of sucked anyway. ESPN isn't great but I listen to them now because they are slightly better. Nobody listens to either of these unless they have no better options. I will probably just buy some more CDs or something to listen to in my car, or buy an MP3 player for the car.

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Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names etc....grow a pair.


Besides, everyone forgets that WFAN is a "GIANTS" Station when it comes to the NFL & the only reason most forget that is because it is also the home of the NY METS.

1050|ESPN has since it's inception been our Radio station. This very year they extended their broadcast region to include 4 additional radio transmitters in Long Island, Central NJ, Eastern NY State & Western CT.

So except for the pair on the MICHAEL KAY SHOW, they are a JETS network.

If you are going to choose sides, change your radio station or listen to the NFL on Sirius|XM and let it go!

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Did you actually send this to them or are you only addressing it to us? If it's only to us, you should have put "My rantings about NY radio stations and the Jets" in the title. You didn't have to mention anything about a letter or anything. They're called threads when you start them, and you don't actually need to address them because it's a forum.

If it's a thread, it's a little silly. They are not worried about losing listeners. It's been like this for years and people still listen. Actually if anything WFAN should have paid more attention, I stopped listening to them because of their Jets bashing and the fact that they kind of sucked anyway. ESPN isn't great but I listen to them now because they are slightly better. Nobody listens to either of these unless they have no better options. I will probably just buy some more CDs or something to listen to in my car, or buy an MP3 player for the car.

I know Brother...I was just so pissed.....

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