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Steelers class organization??????


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Don't be lumping Tiger Woods in with Ben Roethlisberger. Tiger cheated on his wife, his sex was consensual. He didn't rape multiple women.

Roethlisberger has been accused of sexual assault/rape multiple times. There is a huge difference and Roethlisberger is much, much worse.

While I'm on the subject I find it absolutely hysterical that Jim Nantz is seemingly willingly and enthusiastically helping out with the PR rehabilitation of Roethlisberger yet decided to take Tiger to task last year for using salty language on the golf course. So Jim, its ok for an NFL QB to rape women and generally act like an oafish douche but its not ok for a PGA golfer to cheat on his wife and curse?

Care to explain why Tiger is so objectionable and Ben is such a fine example of a rehabilitated soul, Jim? It couldn't be that your network makes significantly more money off of football than golf, could it?

Point taken. Not so much similar acts at all,and Rothlsieberger is way worse. But the sense of entitlement and the fawning coverage is really a joke.It's dishonest, and it is all about business. They really need tos top the "human interest" angle and just give us the games. Nantz's favorite thing in all of sports is the "One Shining Moment" montage at the end of the Final Four, and speaks a lot about him. It's schmaltzy crappy attmept to put a narrative on sports,whcih sports don't really need. The game is enough. I don't know these people, I don't have to know or care about them, and personally on the few occasions I've met or encountered any pro athletes (spare Adam Graves, who genuinely could be the nicest human on the planet) they weren't close to the personas they put out in the media. ANd that's not to say they were all scumbags either, merely human.

Suspect Nantz is not the choirboy he presents hismelf as given he divorced his wife of 23 years to marry a young hussy,and then bitched about paying child support. And rumors persist that despite working together for years, Nantz and Simms cannot stand each other.

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I get that. It's disgusting, it's abhorrent, and it's a crime. By no means am I condoning rape. However the real travesty here is not what the Steelers organization, or any sports team has done with the thousands upon thousands of criminals that grace their rosters, it is the fact that we, as a society have accepted that it is ok for someone to commit a crime, so long as they entertain us. If this wasn't true, Big Ben, and others like him, would be served justice by the Justice system. Hence they are not, hence they provide a return on investment to their employers, and hence Big Ben is starting the Superbowl. The primary group to blame for this is we the people.

Unfortunately, that's the world we live in. If you want to make a stand for morality, than stop watching American sports, because there are a lot of criminals associated with every organization. I commend anyone who stands behind their moral convictions. However, I do not commend anyone who is hypocritical and continues to suck on the teet of the American athlete, while pointing the finger at only a select few. The problem is the system, and as fans we simply let it do its thing. So aren't we part of the problem too?

I'm just trying to be honest. I may see it one way, you may see it another. I know that my obsession with sports benefits the wallets of many evil people. I simply choose to be aware, that's all. Now, if I were a person of great moral conviction, I wouldn't condone the idolization of any athlete, now would I? But in reality, I'm a dick. I just wanted you to know that like me, you're one as well. We both contribute to the problem, and that's ok. At least we're entertained.


Honestly, I don't think the "morality" has changed at all....I just think we all know about the indiscretions now. Internet, twitter, TV...information overload. I suspect that in 1970 there was a "code" of sorts where much of the bad behavior was not reported, and there certainly weren't the information outlets we have now. I have heard countless of stories about what a jerk Babe Ruth, Ted Williams, etc were....thing is, you hear them now. They did not make the ESPN ticker back then...you know?

BTW - look at Zippy taking a swipe at a memeber of the media. Say it 'aint so, Joe! LOL!

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Honestly, I don't think the "morality" has changed at all....I just think we all know about the indiscretions now. Internet, twitter, TV...information overload. I suspect that in 1970 there was a "code" of sorts where much of the bad behavior was not reported, and there certainly weren't the information outlets we have now. I have heard countless of stories about what a jerk Babe Ruth, Ted Williams, etc were....thing is, you hear them now. They did not make the ESPN ticker back then...you know?

BTW - look at Zippy taking a swipe at a memeber of the media. Say it 'aint so, Joe! LOL!

I abhor hypocrisy wherever I see it. I don't paint any group with a broad brush as you do. The world is far more complex than that.

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I abhor hypocrisy wherever I see it. I don't paint any group with a broad brush as you do. The world is far more complex than that.

wow, you got yourself a high horse at the high horse shop, eh Zippy? good for you. I've been looking into buying a new one myself. so, what's the horses name? Spicoli? :)

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Honestly, I don't think the "morality" has changed at all....I just think we all know about the indiscretions now. Internet, twitter, TV...information overload. I suspect that in 1970 there was a "code" of sorts where much of the bad behavior was not reported, and there certainly weren't the information outlets we have now. I have heard countless of stories about what a jerk Babe Ruth, Ted Williams, etc were....thing is, you hear them now. They did not make the ESPN ticker back then...you know?

BTW - look at Zippy taking a swipe at a member of the media. Say it 'aint so, Joe! LOL!

I agree 100%. It has always been going on in the past. Athletes always had a bit of a wild side, but I think that they have to. To perform at the level that they do, you have to be willing to take chances and live kind of recklessly. The reporting definitely has changed. I think that combined with how quickly information is delivered along with the "yellow" journalism that is prominent, stories like Tiger and Big Ben simply get legs. If it wasn't what sold, they wouldn't report it. Inside all of us is a little gossip queen, and that's the problem.

One thing I do want to note is that Boston is lucky in the regard of signing one of the most genuine and classy acts in all of sports in my opinion. I've had the honor of meeting and enjoying a bite to eat with Carl Crawford on a few occasions. CC is a real class act. When reading about guys like Big Ben and the like it only makes you appreciate guys like Crawford that much more. You folks in Boston on in for a treat having a guy like Crawford on the Red Sox. It was shame to see him go, but that's the business.

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