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Thursday night's games (Heat/Bulls and Celtics/Nuggets)


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Chris Bosh met a tough Bulls D that he could not handle....

D Rose met a tough D from Lebron and handled it.

Now if the Bulls did not have that bonehead loss to the Raptors the night before I would be much more excited... lol

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i can't really knock the last play. Rose was having his way with us in the 2nd half getting to the rim and Wade collapsed on him to help and maybe get a steal, but Rose made a great play and kicked it out and Deng hit the big 3.end game.

Rose did not score the entire 4th Q until there was only like 2 min left... do you even watch?

Go figure, LeBron choked in the clutch again. Dude is such a fraud.

And is there any argument that D Rose is the MVP?


Apparently there are more Rose detractors than I thought. I'm still trying to dissect how he's the Brandon Marshall of the NBA. Whatever that means.

People hate the Bulls just like they do the Yankees, Rose is just a victim of Jordan's insane success and everyone's jealousy.

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And is there any argument that D Rose is the MVP?

I don't think Bosh going 1-for-18 is an especially good argument for Rose as MVP, and that's all that last night was. Luol Deng played LeBron great, the entire rest of the Bulls roster was just barely good enough to get past Wade, and Batgirl never showed. That's it. Rose nearly blew the game with the mindless chucking that produces those gaudy scoring totals you guys love so much when he came back in in the fourth, and if Deng hadn't bailed him out on the end there would be a much more justified thread today about how LeBron showed Rose who the real MVP is.

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Rose did not score the entire 4th Q until there was only like 2 min left... do you even watch?

Lol are you suggesting we shouldn't have payed any atention to Rose??? And didn't say 4th quarter i said 2nd half when you guys came to life in the 3rd and i'm pretty sure rose had 2 late buckets in the 4th during crunch time.

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Lol are you suggesting we shouldn't have payed any atention to Rose??? And didn't say 4th quarter i said 2nd half when you guys came to life in the 3rd and i'm pretty sure rose had 2 late buckets in the 4th during crunch time.

Rose had 16 of the Bulls 49 points in the 2nd half... so maybe they payed too much attention to stop him and the rest of the Bulls beat them... either way... Rose did not kill the heat... the Heat having nobody on their team did.

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I don't think Bosh going 1-for-18 is an especially good argument for Rose as MVP, and that's all that last night was. Luol Deng played LeBron great, the entire rest of the Bulls roster was just barely good enough to get past Wade, and Batgirl never showed. That's it. Rose nearly blew the game with the mindless chucking that produces those gaudy scoring totals you guys love so much when he came back in in the fourth, and if Deng hadn't bailed him out on the end there would be a much more justified thread today about how LeBron showed Rose who the real MVP is.

Except that is not how it happened...

Instead Rose hit those crazy shots you hate while Lebron threw up an AIRBALL! :P

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Rose had 16 of the Bulls 49 points in the 2nd half... so maybe they payed too much attention to stop him and the rest of the Bulls beat them... either way... Rose did not kill the heat... the Heat having nobody on their team did.

we have nobody on our team lol. The way you talk you would've thought you blew us out. It was a good game, chicago won, no excuses. We got you guys down here in a week.

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Rose did not score the entire 4th Q until there was only like 2 min left... do you even watch?

People hate the Bulls just like they do the Yankees, Rose is just a victim of Jordan's insane success and everyone's jealousy.

Huh? No one cares about the Bulls. They haven't won crap in a decade. The team people hate is the heat.

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dude the knicks are in 6th place in the east and are 3 games over .500.....pls stop. D Wade won a scoring title 2 years ago with a similar record to the knicks this year avg. 30 pts a game and he wasn't mvp.

No player on the heat is winning the MVP so you can forget Wade and Lebron. Last year this same team without Amare won 29 games. They won 28 before the break this season and he's the only difference. That sounds like an MVP to me.

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No player on the heat is winning the MVP so you can forget Wade and Lebron. Last year this same team without Amare won 29 games. They won 28 before the break this season and he's the only difference. That sounds like an MVP to me.

Wade was missed a half of a season and the heat won 15 games...came back the next year had a similar record that the knicks do now and avg. 30 ppg for the season and was not an mvp that year...do you get it now? Amare has ZERO shot.

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I don't think Bosh going 1-for-18 is an especially good argument for Rose as MVP, and that's all that last night was. Luol Deng played LeBron great, the entire rest of the Bulls roster was just barely good enough to get past Wade, and Batgirl never showed. That's it. Rose nearly blew the game with the mindless chucking that produces those gaudy scoring totals you guys love so much when he came back in in the fourth, and if Deng hadn't bailed him out on the end there would be a much more justified thread today about how LeBron showed Rose who the real MVP is.

Deng played awesome. My opinion is not just based off one game, its based off the season. Rose gets very little help like he did last night and its going to take performances like that for his team to succeed in the postseason. LeBron choked again, and Rose stepped up and made some crucial plays last night.

Let me ask you this, if Rose isnt a PG, do you have problem with the way he plays?

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Wade was missed a half of a season and the heat won 15 games...came back the next year had a similar record that the knicks do now and avg. 30 ppg for the season and was not an mvp that year...do you get it now? Amare has ZERO shot.

It's clearly between Rose and Amare. They will finish 1-2. Rose might win if the Bulls have a better record but saying Amare has no chance is moronic.

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