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Interesting stuff on Plaxico from ESPN SportScience


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Pats fan chiming in:

I think that two years in prison saves your body from getting hit (not hit on - LOL), so Plax has that going for him. But, c'mon, your timing is 'gonna be off. Not just on the field, everywhere. I have no idea how long ot will take to get the timing back - could be just a month....but to think your timing bounces right back is naive.

There was a half-way house near the college I went to (and yes, these are not elite athletes). The people living in the half-way house were men just released from prison transitioning into the community. You always new who these dudes were. It was almost comical to see these men - who grew up in urban Boston, Worcester - trying to cross a street. It was like they were learning to walk again. Timid, relunctant - their timing was way off.

What about the women? They had no problems right?

If it's a Jets player or fan and the person is male you will always bash them, we know that. It's part of your man and Jet hating schtick. We get it.

For the record, Plax will perform better than that scrub Ocho the Pats got. That guy is completely finished.

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