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Is it worth it?



6 members have voted

  1. 1. No Playoffs, Shotty Out

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I'm just so gosh darn riled up...

Today's gameplan...What was it? Why did they go back to Schitty's offense after feeling Moore's influence in the past three games? Did they feel he had been sufficiently influenced? How naive are they?

To me the Schitty problem speaks of a deeper evil within the organization itself, but he must go. The man just does not get offense. This is clear. By definition, this means the organization does not get offense. They have a history of this going back to forever, but especially Chad Pennington. When do the Jets plan to "get it?" When do they start to realize that you can't just gameplan fumbles and INTs, but also positive gains and TDs? When do they start to realize that only certainly special individuals are capable of developing these gameplans? Instead it seems like they'll probably Brian Schittenheimer another 37 years.

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