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Here is a little info for thought for those of you who think the NFL, and the TV networks, sometimes try to influence a game or to in the best intrest of the league and the TV networks.

In this scenario I am about to list there will be NO meaningful games week 17 were BOTH teams have something to play for.

Jets beats the Giants

Dallas beats the Eagles

Denver beats Buffalo

and either Oakland and SD lose

This would clinch the NFC east for the Cowboys, and clinch the AFC west for Denver. That eliminates the Giants, and the Giants Cowboys game is useless, the Cowboys can't get higher than the 4 seed.

The only playoff spots left open would be the 6 seed in the AFC, and the 5, and 6 seed in the NFC, but there would be a very high chance that they could all be decided before the Sunday night game at 8:20 no matter who they choose for that game, whether it be the Jets, Bengals, Lions, Falcons, Seahawks, or Cardinals, but the other team they are playing would be playing just to be spoilers nothing else.

Out of all those games that can make a Sunday night week 17 game appealing, and the absolute no question most appealing game possible, would be for the Giants to win today, and boom Giants, Cowboys for the NFC east loser goes home. NBC execs would probably give up there 1st born for that game next week.

So for those who believe in this stuff pay close attention to the Refs today in the Jets Giants game, the league could have an alterior motive?

Just so everyone knows, I am sometimes on the fence about this conspiracy stuff, but watching Thursday nights game kind of leaned me over one way the way the refs handed the Colts that game, (In this conspiracy theory one would think the NFL would not want the Colts to get the 1st pick so there is no Peyton Manning circus dominating over all and any news leading up to the new league year and draft).

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so wait Lupz, I'm confused who do you think the league would want to win this game: Jets or Giants?

The Giants, so the NFL, and NBC can get a Giants, Cowboys, Sunday night showdown winner takes the NFC east and the Loser goes home, NBC would pay a lot of money to make sure that happens,its the most appealing game of the week if it was any other week not to mention week 17 and the winner gets the division. There is no Jets Pats, Ravens Steelers, Packers Bears, but there is Giants, Cowboys, and if its for all the marbles the ratings will probably be the highest any NBC regular season game has recieved, considering most of the nation is off Monday.

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so wait Lupz, I'm confused who do you think the league would want to win this game: Jets or Giants?

Here is a little info for thought for those of you who think the NFL, and the TV networks, sometimes try to influence a game or to in the best intrest of the league and the TV networks.

In this scenario I am about to list there will be NO meaningful games week 17 were BOTH teams have something to play for.

Jets beats the Giants

Dallas beats the Eagles

Denver beats Buffalo

and either Oakland and SD lose

This would clinch the NFC east for the Cowboys, and clinch the AFC west for Denver. That eliminates the Giants, and the Giants Cowboys game is useless, the Cowboys can't get higher than the 4 seed.

The only playoff spots left open would be the 6 seed in the AFC, and the 5, and 6 seed in the NFC, but there would be a very high chance that they could all be decided before the Sunday night game at 8:20 no matter who they choose for that game, whether it be the Jets, Bengals, Lions, Falcons, Seahawks, or Cardinals, but the other team they are playing would be playing just to be spoilers nothing else.

Out of all those games that can make a Sunday night week 17 game appealing, and the absolute no question most appealing game possible, would be for the Giants to win today, and boom Giants, Cowboys for the NFC east loser goes home. NBC execs would probably give up there 1st born for that game next week.

So for those who believe in this stuff pay close attention to the Refs today in the Jets Giants game, the league could have an alterior motive?

Just so everyone knows, I am sometimes on the fence about this conspiracy stuff, but watching Thursday nights game kind of leaned me over one way the way the refs handed the Colts that game, (In this conspiracy theory one would think the NFL would not want the Colts to get the 1st pick so there is no Peyton Manning circus dominating over all and any news leading up to the new league year and draft).

Sorry I thought the bolded paragraph would have anwsered that, I should have specified what team I thought the league wanted.

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it's much more likely a player would throw a game than the league.

if you wear the tin foil hat, look for that

the league is flush with cash, and has a what, 20 year deal with the networks in place ? they just can't take the risk of if getting out, then the NFL is pro wrestling and the cash cow is dead

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it's much more likely a player would throw a game than the league.

if you wear the tin foil hat, look for that

the league is flush with cash, and has a what, 20 year deal with the networks in place ? they just can't take the risk of if getting out, then the NFL is pro wrestling and the cash cow is dead

Where the hell you been? The league made the "Patriots" the team of the decade since 2001 (I wonder why....). Camera's and all. Take the risk? The league investigated itself, burnt the evidence and everyone forgot.


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