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Sean Payton suspended for 1 year, Saints docked two 2nd round picks


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For what they did, the penalties weren't harsh enough. They should become the New Orleans Aint's. After heavy fines, the franchise should be disbanded. All coaches and players on the team thrown out of football for good. Even those not participating, for guilt by association. Cheerleaders should be given severence pay!

This is asinine. Goodell like usual took things way too far. Guy is seriously on a power trip.

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It was so severe because they 1) lied about it and 2) tried covering up. Sgt Goodell don't play the fool. Is it harsh? Yes. Expected? Yup....like I said, Sgt. Goodell don't play.

The cover-up was worse than the crime and Goodell came down on them...hard..

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The cover-up was worse than the crime and Goodell came down on them...hard..

Jets fans LOVE to cry about Patriots favoritism....which is laughable to me. Haters 'gonna hate. Last time Ii checked the Pats were fined heavily and lost a first round pick - BB was fined half a million dollars. All because he was arrogant enough to put his own spin on the "interpretation of the rules." Nope - Goodell likes HIS interpretation only. BB gets the screws put to him for being a prick....but not enough of a prick to actually 1) outright lie and 2) try to cover it up. TWO HUGE NO-NO'S in The Goodell book.


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Jets fans LOVE to cry about Patriots favoritism....which is laughable to me. Haters 'gonna hate. Last time Ii checked the Pats were fined heavily and lost a first round pick - BB was fined half a million dollars. All because he was arrogant enough to put his own spin on the "interpretation of the rules." Nope - Goodell likes HIS interpretation only. BB gets the screws put to him for being a prick....but not enough of a prick to actually 1) outright lie and 2) try to cover it up. TWO HUGE NO-NO'S in The Goodell book.


While I actually don't disagree that the lying and covering up was the difference in this situations (that combined with bad timing by the Saints, since "player safety" is the new fad that the NFL is pretending they care about), the rest of your post is absolutely laughable. The Pats had been warned repeatedly about the rules they were violating and they continued to ignore them. They were given a number of chances to stop with absolutely zero punishment and chose not to do so. They have absolutely nobody to blame but themselves for what happened.

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what's so laughable? I'm agreeing with you. Although I disgaree with the severity of the Pats "crime" - I do beleive they were warned (fact) and they ignored it under BB's watch (and arrogance from his alleged intelligence) - meaning he thought the rules were up to interpretation = the way it was worded gave BB the idea that there was some wiggle room. Yes, it was all his fault. BB is an arrogance a-hole. This is not news. The club was fined half a million dollars. BB was fined half a million dollars. The club was striped of a first round pick. The punishment was the biggest ever until yesterday. Yet, still, Jets fans cry about it. Stop it already. Baby Jesus has found his way to New York. Celebrate! :)

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While I actually don't disagree that the lying and covering up was the difference in this situations (that combined with bad timing by the Saints, since "player safety" is the new fad that the NFL is pretending they care about), the rest of your post is absolutely laughable. The Pats had been warned repeatedly about the rules they were violating and they continued to ignore them. They were given a number of chances to stop with absolutely zero punishment and chose not to do so. They have absolutely nobody to blame but themselves for what happened.

I think a big issue with Payton is he went on camera and said he knew nothing about it.

Not that Belichick's claiming stupidity was much better.

Bill Polian said the NFL sends out two memos yearly and has the team post posters in the locker room about the illegality of bounties. You put that with Payton telling his people to cover-up over a period of years. That is a lot worse than the NFL sending out a memo the season before and still doing it.

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I think a big issue with Payton is he went on camera and said he knew nothing about it.

Not that Belichick's claiming stupidity was much better.

Bill Polian said the NFL sends out two memos yearly and has the team post posters in the locker room about the illegality of bounties. You put that with Payton telling his people to cover-up over a period of years. That is a lot worse than the NFL sending out a memo the season before and still doing it.

I wouldn't necessarily disagree with that, but I think trying to act as if Belichick had no clue they were doing anything wrong is just a little ridiculous. The bottom line is the Saints had two major strikes against them, the first being the whole situation you described and the second being their situation being a much bigger hot topic in the NFL, as player safety has been the league's biggest talking point over the past couple of years. I honestly believe that if any team in the league got caught doing what the Saints did, they would have dropped the hammer down to make a major example, regardless of who it was.

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what's so laughable? I'm agreeing with you. Although I disgaree with the severity of the Pats "crime" - I do beleive they were warned (fact) and they ignored it under BB's watch (and arrogance from his alleged intelligence) - meaning he thought the rules were up to interpretation = the way it was worded gave BB the idea that there was some wiggle room. Yes, it was all his fault. BB is an arrogance a-hole. This is not news. The club was fined half a million dollars. BB was fined half a million dollars. The club was striped of a first round pick. The punishment was the biggest ever until yesterday. Yet, still, Jets fans cry about it. Stop it already. Baby Jesus has found his way to New York. Celebrate! :)

Fair enough. I guess my only point of contention is that I think BB likely knew better than to think there was any room for interpretation, but rather figured he didn't see any reason why he wasn't going to continue to get away with it. Truth be told, if not for the Jets HC being a former Pats assistant and blowing the whistle on them, he probably would have been right about that.

And as far as the last part of your post, there's a reason I'm limiting myself to a very select handful of threads today, like this one, please don't ruin that for me.

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I wouldn't necessarily disagree with that, but I think trying to act as if Belichick had no clue they were doing anything wrong is just a little ridiculous. The bottom line is the Saints had two major strikes against them, the first being the whole situation you described and the second being their situation being a much bigger hot topic in the NFL, as player safety has been the league's biggest talking point over the past couple of years. I honestly believe that if any team in the league got caught doing what the Saints did, they would have dropped the hammer down to make a major example, regardless of who it was.

Someone on TV speculated and it kind holds true to Goodell's recent actions, he is taking a stance on unnecessary hits.

That way when a lawsuit hits the court he can say he tried to curb the violence but you have players going on TV and radio saying bounties have always and will always be a part of the game.

Similar with the concussion stance, "we tried but you have players going back and saying they will go back in.

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