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Jim Harbaugh - what a jackass!


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You remember how Jim Harbaugh and the 49ers went after Peyton Manning during his free agency sweepstakes? Of course, you do -- with Harbaugh reportedly playing catch with Manning and all.

And then, do you recall late last month when Harbaugh was shocked and chagrined whenever somebody brought up his flirtations with Manning (kind of like, when a college buddy brings up your past relationships with your wife is in hearing distance, that's just not cool, man)?

In fact, Harbaugh was so distraught by the insinuation that he said this, “I keep hearing it over and over. It's silly and it's untrue. It's phony. Even the perception that we were pursuing. We were evaluating. I've said all along that Alex Smith has been our quarterback. There's no scenario, other than Alex choosing to sign with another team, that we would consider him not as our quarterback.”

In response, our own Ryan Wilson perfectly summed it up with this two-word graf: “Um, sure.”

And now, when it seems most of the NFL world finds Harbaugh's explanation a bit on the ridiculous side, he's come back with even more explosive quotes to back up the ridiculousness he was trying to state in the first place.

"I felt a desire to set the record straight," Harbaugh told ESPN.com. "Now, the interesting thing is that you could speak the truth as you know it to be and believe it to be, and then somebody could call you a liar."

Well, Jim, I'm not sure anybody out-and-out said you were liar. I mean, I think we all realize you want to protect your relationship with Smith and … oh, what's that? You weren't finished yet?

"That you can concisely, exactly say it how you see it and believe it, and then somebody can call you a liar, that would make me wonder about the shadiness of that person," Harbaugh said. "You know, the seediness, the diabolical world that somebody would live in that would think that another man would come right to his face and lie to him.

"You don't really understand another man until you've walked in their shoes, but I don't understand that world. I don't understand the world where somebody would lie themselves or be lied to to that extent where they could commit character assassination on somebody else that is telling the truth.”

OK, the moral of the story is clear: nobody can call Jim Harbaugh a liar. Otherwise, you're a seedy man living in a diabolical world. And, as we all can imagine, that's probably not a fun place to be.

OK Jim. :face:

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