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Geisha Wars Mafia


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Please explain why I SEEM scummy. I would vote you back but Im afraid you might get cry again. Im more concerned with Hess seeming so Townie to you especially after the way his train stalled day 1. Your crying and his train dying stand out like that plus EP's little number are the things I see the most.

Namely your posting, which has been significantly less than every game I've played in with you. It hasn't had a busy feel, more of a sitting back trying to avoid being discussed feel.




Just for you

You posted what looked like a cop hint at 10:43.

I posted that it looked like a cop hint at 10:46.

You then back-pedalled to make it sound like most people were interpreting it as "AVM being AVM". To which I responded, "it just happened" most people haven't seen it.

You then say that as many as 5 people were posting when you said it.

After you said it, 80 was the only one to make a post before I pointed it out as a possible hint. He posted something retarded about college baseball.

So, like I said last night - the post had not been seen by most at the time I pointed it out as a possible hint, so I stand by pointing out your non-factual excuses and back-pedalling.

LOL. Now you're stretching it dude. I know what you're trying to do...not going to step into it again.

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I am rather tired of what you say goes. You're throwing **** at the wall hoping it sticks with this. Those people were in and out reading the thread whether you like it or not, and now you want to talk about who POSTED not who had been reading the thread. You're the one backpedaling.

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unvote, vote ape

I like ________'s style. Vote the ape, without letting him latch those monkey teeth on to you. I say we lynch him, or beg the scum to silence him. Or both...since he likes to come back and talk a lot after death.

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I am rather tired of what you say goes. You're throwing **** at the wall hoping it sticks with this. Those people were in and out reading the thread whether you like it or not, and now you want to talk about who POSTED not who had been reading the thread. You're the one backpedaling.

I'm not backpedalling at all.

I'm talking about there being 3 minutes between when you made the cop hint, and when I pointed it out.

I'm talking about you making the generalized statement "everyone else thinks its AVM being AVM" when the reality is that just because 3 other people had posted in the hours leading up to the cop hint, it says nothing about how they interpreted it OR if they even noticed it in the 3 minutes before I called it out as a cop hint.

Your defense of this observation exaggerates what I'd consider realistic, comes across as back-pedalling, and has been noted.

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I'm not backpedalling at all.

I'm talking about there being 3 minutes between when you made the cop hint, and when I pointed it out.

I'm talking about you making the generalized statement "everyone else thinks its AVM being AVM" when the reality is that just because 3 other people had posted in the hours leading up to the cop hint, it says nothing about how they interpreted it OR if they even noticed it in the 3 minutes before I called it out as a cop hint.

Your defense of this observation exaggerates what I'd consider realistic, comes across as back-pedalling, and has been noted.

I would enjoy your lynching of me.

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At this point, I'd just rather prove you wrong than anything else. Maybe then you'll STFU for a couple games. Probably not...but a little boy can hope can't he?!

whine whine whine cry cry cry

"I'd rather prove you wrong...." = JIF school of defense.

I'm not nearly as aggressive coming at you this game as I typically am, which makes your level of butthurt at the mere mention of your name very puzzling.

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"I'd rather prove you wrong...." = JIF school of defense.

I'm not nearly as aggressive coming at you this game as I typically am, which makes your level of butthurt at the mere mention of your name very puzzling.

You need me, admit it monkey. I drive you. I'm the Bird to your Magic. The Eli to your Brady (yeah, I called you Brady..what are you gonna do about it? vote me? GOOD). The Friday song to your call me song.

Without me, you're nothing more than a poo flinging monkey. With me, anything is possible. Except being right about my alignment this game. That's not possible unless you think I'm town. But I'd rather you scream from the mountain tops I'm scum, and lead a lynch on me. Promise me you'll hammer, k? No...I'm not a bomb. That's not bomb hinting. I just want there to be no question.

JiF isn't here with us...so I must carry the torch for him.

cry cry cry

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I'm sad Christine can't vote *cry*

she'd actually vote me unlike the ape.

whine complain cry

You are on my list, but not at the top of it.

It seems there is a nice triad in the works here between you, EP and Hess.

Hess is the vote leader, and EP second most, and EP votes you instead of Hess. I vote Hess, and you are daring me to vote you.

Hess catches early pressure D1, doesn't reveal, you immediately jump in with a "Hess is town" on page one of the game... the interplay has led me to think Hess is the most informative lynch. Because if he flips scum, especially with a valuable scum role, then you and EP should be buried alongside him.

Dare me to vote you all you want... my vote on Hess is as good as a vote on both of you.

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You are on my list, but not at the top of it.

It seems there is a nice triad in the works here between you, EP and Hess.

Hess is the vote leader, and EP second most, and EP votes you instead of Hess. I vote Hess, and you are daring me to vote you.

Hess catches early pressure D1, doesn't reveal, you immediately jump in with a "Hess is town" on page one of the game... the interplay has led me to think Hess is the most informative lynch. Because if he flips scum, especially with a valuable scum role, then you and EP should be buried alongside him.

Dare me to vote you all you want... my vote on Hess is as good as a vote on both of you.

Connect me with Hess all you want but don't you DARE try and connect me to EPenis. You contemptible shrew!

Your mother was a hamster, and your father smells of elderberries!

whine whine whine

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My list:

Hess, AVM, EP,

Bubble: CTM and Christine. I've cooled on Pac and SMC for the moment.

As I just explained, I think Hess is the most informative lynch due to the interplay of AVM and EP. Also, due to Hess's train dying on D1 when he got to L2-L1 range, I think if Hess flips scum we can also go look to see who it was that derailed that train when it got so close to hammertime. More info.

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My list:

Hess, AVM, EP,

Bubble: CTM and Christine. I've cooled on Pac and SMC for the moment.

As I just explained, I think Hess is the most informative lynch due to the interplay of AVM and EP. Also, due to Hess's train dying on D1 when he got to L2-L1 range, I think if Hess flips scum we can also go look to see who it was that derailed that train when it got so close to hammertime. More info.

Probably Pac, to be fair. **laugher**

complain cry complain

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Holy ****ing sh*t.

The search feature on this website ****ing blows. It NEVER returns results for me no matter what terms I put in. I just searched on "vote count" and like usual, got nothing. Then I searched "vote hess" and nothing.

This message board platform borders on ruining mafia play.

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Made similar note to AVM assurances on Hess' alignment during Day 1...at the time thought AVM was hinting masons...why did we not get a reveal again? Rather return here...and see where it leads...could vote EP as well...

Vote: Hess

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I've already done the "I'm the Joker to your Batman" bit with JIF dude.



whine whine cry

Made similar note to AVM assurances on Hess' alignment during Day 1...at the time thought AVM was hinting masons...why did we not get a reveal again? Rather return here...and see where it leads...could vote EP as well...

Vote: Hess

Mason I am not. You know what I am? INSANE AHHHHHHHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHA

cry cry cry

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On re-read, it looks like Hess got to about reveal time and didn't.

Then Christine made her case on AVM, and I post around the same time with my thoughts on AVM/EP. Verbal and 80 quickly voted EP. Lily voted AVM.

AVM wigged out when all he had was my vote and Christine's, as if to try drawing votes to himself, like he's doing now with the same circustances afoot.... Hess and EP being the other people getting votes/pressure.

So, I think a Hess lynch sheds light on why AVM seems to be trying to keep Hess from getting votes (calling him town on D1, and acting foolish to draw votes every time Hess gets run up), as well as EP, and some of the others that dove off the Hess train quickly or tried to present alternative options, including myself, I'm aware of how my AVM/EP post probably looks to you guys now.

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On re-read, it looks like Hess got to about reveal time and didn't.

Then Christine made her case on AVM, and I post around the same time with my thoughts on AVM/EP. Verbal and 80 quickly voted EP. Lily voted AVM.

AVM wigged out when all he had was my vote and Christine's, as if to try drawing votes to himself, like he's doing now with the same circustances afoot.... Hess and EP being the other people getting votes/pressure.

So, I think a Hess lynch sheds light on why AVM seems to be trying to keep Hess from getting votes (calling him town on D1, and acting foolish to draw votes every time Hess gets run up), as well as EP, and some of the others that dove off the Hess train quickly or tried to present alternative options, including myself, I'm aware of how my AVM/EP post probably looks to you guys now.

HA! And I call myself a jokester! I see what thou hast done!

If Hess flips town, I'm scum because "only scum could know Hess was town!" If Hess flips scum, I'm scum because I "was trying to protect Hess!"

HAHAHA! You're good monkey man, you're good! *gets serious* But I'm the best.

cry cry cry

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