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Really Tebow

Joe Jets fan

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Neither is Mark Sanchez.

Just wait till Tebow is lining up in Wildcat battling for short yardage. He's going to be a fan favorite once they start using him in the fashion that he was brought in for...

I rather see Shonn Greene run than Tebow throw at all

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I don't really care about numbers and college stats. The NFL is different and the proof is usually in the pudding. It's all hype till they guys are on the field. Mark's numbers grew last year - in interceptions and completions. Big deal.

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I don't really care about numbers and college stats. The NFL is different and the proof is usually in the pudding. It's all hype till they guys are on the field. Mark's numbers grew last year - in interceptions and completions. Big deal.

Hype doesnt win you playoff games vs. the best defense in the league.

If you mean Tebow - you're right. I'll be screaming for him to get off the field.

You'll be chanting his name just like every other Jets fan in the world.

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The essence of this thread is completely accurate. But all of the HILARIOUSLY cynical self-felating "realist" Jet fans will make their dumbass used up jokes and continue to ignore the fact that Mark Sanchez, crappy as he is, is 10x the NFL quarterback that Tim Tebow is.

Math wasn't my best subject. What's 10 x 0?

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I guess I am one of those idiots that realizes that a QB is only as good as the players he has to throw to, or work with.

You take Welker, Hernandez and Gronk (and now Lloyd and Demps) away from Brady, and the Pats go 8-8, this year.

When Brady won Super Bowls, he was throwing to Deion Branch and Troy Brown. Your statement is false.

Yeah, maybe if you take away ALL of Brady's receivers, they go 8-8. But that's true for every NFL QB. You can't win with zero receivers, this is true. Teams would just load the box with 12 guys and either sack the QB or stuff the run. I applaud you for this point.

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When Brady won Super Bowls, he was throwing to Deion Branch and Troy Brown. Your statement is false.

Yeah, maybe if you take away ALL of Brady's receivers, they go 8-8. But that's true for every NFL QB. You can't win with zero receivers, this is true. Teams would just load the box with 12 guys and either sack the QB or stuff the run. I applaud you for this point.

Bad comparison, 80, because Brady was managed in hist 1st 2 SBs. It wasn't until the season of his 3rd SB when he achieved elite status. And Branch wasn't on the team until the last SB.

As said elsewhere, unless the WR is an absolute freak, QBs make the receivers, not the other way around. Eli makes the Giants receivers. Eli waits until the last possible milisecond to release the ball and fires a strike, hitting the receiver in stride. That's why Eli is rated the best QB under pressure.

In fact, in years past, Eli has had such a hight INT total because balls were bouncing off the receivers' hands and chests.

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