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Junior Seau-disturbing news about his death


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So on a sliding scale of "conclusive evidence of severe brain trauma" to "hated life as a regular old citizen" where do you think this suicide falls?

Found this....


Over one million people commit suicide every year, making it the 10th

leading cause of death worldwide. It's the leading cause of death among

teenagers and adults under 35. There are an estimated 10 to 20 million

non-fatal attempted suicides every year. The most common cause is a

variety of underlying psychiatric disorders, including depression, bipolar

disorder, schizophrenia, alcoholism, and drug abuse. The most common

method is gunshot.


It's easy to just say "He killed himself because of injuries suffered in the NFL."

And a part of it is due to that, but plenty of actors and musicians kill themselves.

Kurt Cobain blew his head off, he probably never touched a football in his life.

People need "closure" these days. They need a nice solution that fits in a checkbox. That isn't the way life works. The truth is nobody knows why people really commit suicide. There are theories, there are thoughts, but in the end, the only person who really knows is the person who killed themselves.

Over a million people every year commit suicide and many more try, did they kill themselves because of way too many concussions? No. It's sad regardless of how or why. The problem we seem to have is needing everything to fix into one checkbox. And nothing is ever that simple or easy. Seau had brain damage, but he also had relationship issues, he had the "when the music stops" issue, he also had an issue in figuring out what he's going to do the rest of his life after spending most of his childhood and adulthood playing football. Discounting that is just trying to make explanations easy.

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I think it's safe to say it was a combination of things. Yet it does seem JR was convinced it was his brain injury considering the location of the blast. Hard to say. I also think him missing the spotlight plays in as well. He did that silly show were he went and did sport jobs. He got flipped on his head by a bull. Sad thing but it happens everyday to people not named JR Seau

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His brain was damaged, Tom. He didn't make any rational decision to commit suicide. He was suffering severely because of that brain damage, and because of that brain damage he could see no other way out but suicide.

Suggesting that he did it because he hated life as a "regular old citizen" is repulsive.

Let me make clear that, on a human level, it's tragic. However, I take exception to Seau (presumably) and others trying to frame his death as an indictment of the NFL. Perhaps I missed it, but was there any point during his twenty year career where he lodged a moral complaint about how the game was played as it relates to concussions? If he had such conflict, I can't imagine he'd stay in the game for twenty years, even after he was clearly washed up. CTE didn't kill Seau--a bullet to the chest killed Seau. This wasn't a guy sitting in a dark room drooling on his shirt, suffering from some crippling brain disease as is being suggested today. He was the "same old Junior," according to those around him at the time. Many former NFLers have brain trauma and most of them don't kill themselves. The narrative that Seau's NFL career killed him is a lazy, speculative, and irresponsible one, but it's an easy sell because 1. People obsess over famous people, and 2. NFL fans feel complicit in the demise of these players.

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Depression is a complicated illness. People who commit suicide have a normal brain and people who commit suicide have evidence of structural anatomical pathological changes. Cause and effect is very difficult to establish. Increase risk - sure. There are plenty of people who have evidence of head trauma who are not depressed. The loss of a career or the loss of purpose can be devastating to certain personalities creating a major depression independent of any head injury issue.

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