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Potential First Round O-Lineman- Involved with investigation but not accused


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Not a suspect, yet, aye.
They haven't spoken to him, yet, aye, but they'd very much like to.
His girlfriend and unborn child were cold blooded murdered.  And neither Ray Lewis nor any Pats players were seen nearby.....
Most murders are committed by known associates for known reasons.  The fact he has an alibi certainly helps his defense to some degree, if it's confirmed.
But it certainly wouldn't be the first about-to-be-rich-guy-who-offs-or-arranges-the-offing-of-the-with-child-girlfriend in the world.  
Or it could just be random violence, who knows.
We'll see how this one plays out, but it's not going to help his draft status or the NFL's image either way.
And I'll say this:
"Boren said Collins will meet with police when he returns to Louisiana following the draft."


Your girlfriend and mother-of-child is murdered in cold blood.....and you plan to wait till after the Draft to help the cops?  Ice cold man, ice.

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Pretty sure the police have already stated that he is not a suspect (as of right now) but they do want to question him. Really sh*tty timing for him but more importantly the poor child is without a mother now.

Unless this woman had another child, the article says the woman was with an unborn child who I would assume is also dead

Edit: Nvm read the article, shockingly the child survived.

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