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Rocky - Mafia game thread


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Vote Count

Verb (4) - Crushlove, JiF, 80, Lizzie
80 (2) - Ballin, JC 
Ape (2) - Smash, CTM
Nol (2) - Pac, Verb
Pac (1) - Nyn
No Lynch (1) - Nol
JC (1) - Ape

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch

Deadline Wednesday 8 pm Eastern


for reference

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as of page 11...

- BeeGee aka Lizard or whatever is the scummiest trash so far

- Nyn has had multiple posts but way more coffee talk than game related talk

- CTM hiding?

- Ape apeing...  null

- Verb townieish

- 80 laying the foundation for his stupid lynch with his idiocy

- JC - doing the JC keerazy scum thing.  Monitor closely

- Ballsac - has said nothing

- JiF stupid is as stupid does

- Noltwerp is treating the game like a brunch with middle aged women

- Smash is a little bolder/vocal than normal


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I can take the heat!!!!

I'm a rookie so bare with me.  His posts seem lackluster.  Saying alot of nothing.  Voting for Nolder with no explanation which someone else pointed out but don't have the time to look back again.  

I'll be better engaged later on.  


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Hey Dick bag when someone has a feeling about something you posted is this all you can muster, slinging insults and acting like a child ? The stupid word choice you made has various meanings including direct opposition not just polarity or as you say the real reason behind what you posted was "splitting the field and watching reactions"  Looking up words on google does not make you smart, it just makes you an idiot trying to look smart and its not impressive at all because the word choice does not relate to the real meaning you say you were shooting for. Maybe next time instead of trying to look cool you can just say what you claim to have meant which is "splitting the field and watching reactions".

Also for someone who is supposed to be terrible at this game I certainly do have a big hand in winning a lot of these games maybe you can go back and take a look at you're dead thread contributions, where you actually know the line-up, and see how I usually kick the sh*t out of scum come end game. You're like a first quarter QB or a first Quarter sack usually have no impact on the game then disappear in the 4th quarter still touting that great play you made in the first quarter. 

Now run along and point fingers at everyone in the game so you can claim genius with zero substance you poop flinging fool.

down goes Aperew..  down goes Aprew!

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If we get to deadline, and nobody believes my case, I'm willing to be the lynch because I believe in my observations and I'm a safe death for town. It's a pragmatic option, not an appeal to emotions.

You really just don't understand the game.


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Ape has kind of had a meltdown here, not sure what to make of it. Want to see how others react.

Going to unvote temporarily, but i'm more then happy to move back there after seeing others way in

hasn't done much other than perseverating on the stupid Ape with non-committal fluff.

and it's "weigh" in.

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as of page 21...

- Lizzie has steered clear of the fray

- CTM playing like a pussy

- JiF freaking out over 1 vote

- Ballsac hiding

- Nolder in deeeep hiding

- Nyn picking up game related posts but still vanilla

- Smash going Smash

- Crush virtually blowing that stupid Ape on thread..  can't compliment him enough..  *have a theory on this

- 80 went into shut down mode..  had I been active then I would have voted him for disappearing rather than defending

- Verb out on the periphery


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If Dan were here, she'd tell you you're right.

I'm frustrated, but I'm not melting down... I'm trying to figure out a way to make people see what I see. Countless times I've had guys like SMC, Smash, JC, Slats... pinned down, and it seemed so obvious to me, and I can't figure out a way to get people to see it. 

Normally, I have almost no respect for the self-vote move, but given the deadline and the low participation rate... I thought of it as a very pragmatic option to offer up.


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JIF and 80 I can see but your still assuming I was trying to distance you from JIF and I most certainly was not. If JIF gets run up I have no problem at all hammering his ass same with 80 cause I feel they very well may be scummates.

Just to show my sincerity I'm going to unvote 80 and vote JIF I have to go to bed now its way past my bedtime.


why are people pandering to the Ape?

*felt good about Smash until this post*

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Vote JiF

This is stupid.  Ape keeps making up lies about how I've interacted with him.  It's all out there and everyone can see it but everyone listens to him.  He's literally tied 3 people together on D1.  How is that town like behavior?

Meanwhile, I just waste my time.

Good luck town! 



2 self votes on day 1???

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My god do you have a PR to ape the ape? I never thought follow the ape was actually a thing outside of ape's simple mind until now

actually the Apettes made it their preferred strategy much of last year...  as for the regulars you are correct.

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The day had its ups and downs, but Rocky was getting stronger. All his training was paying off and he knew he'd be ready to take on Apollo Creed. The group wasn't so sure about that and decided to root out Rocky's competition. Everyone decided to string up that good for nothing 80. 

80 - Mickey Goldmill (town) -  had the ability to give Rocky a knockout punch, is dead.

It is now night, you have 24 hours to submit your actions. 

a vig enabler?  interesting...

80's play was abhorrent..  again.

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The night was somber after losing Mickey. Rocky left early to train harder in memory of his manager. While he was out running, he stumbled upon a body. 

Crusher, Adonis Creed (town) - has a knockout punch (1x kill) - is dead.

With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch. 

in addition to a vig enabler...  lots of vig shots.

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ok..  actually the read through was more entertaining than I feared. 

Tier 1: LK, Ballsac, JC, Nolder

Tier 2: CTM, JiF

At this point my strongest town read is Verb..  he's been active with game related posts and defended well when his words were misconstrued.

I didn't see the case on Smash but he had a couple questionable posts most significantly when he basically acquiesced to the Ape and voted JiF as some sort of half-assed gesture of good will

LK was active early on but retreated for the hills when starting to get pressured

JC hasn't had very many lucid posts and I hate when someone implies they're roled up then goes dark

CTM is playing like a jellyfish...  tossing around gentle innuendo then worming his way back into the ether

JiF freaked out over zero, then 1 vote.

Ballsac already played the babe in the woods card which I've caught numerous first time players on

Nolder is playing like a nightcrawler.  coming out in when the thread is dank in disgusting fashion and making himself an easy target to get stepped on in the morning

Ape is Apeing..  The self vote was absurd as were many of his day 1 proclamations but I have yet to see the tells I look for when he's scum

Nyn hard to tell..  didn't do much early, came on a little, then faded back into the background.  seems busy more than hiding.


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All these suggestive posts by Verbal without him applying himself towards a case don't bother you?

hard to say that when I agreed with most of them.  makes me kind of sick to say but I think he's playing well.  really well if he winds up being dirty.

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