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13 minutes ago, AVM said:

Well I'm counting this as a "AVM pegged Ape correctly"

I wish I could adequately share the emotions i went through over the next 3 pages.  I'll try.

"Oh FFS"





This met every expectation, and is why I stayed logged in.  I can sleep happy now.  

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1 hour ago, HessStation said:

This is totally ****ed up my PM was a lie!!!!!

:rl::rl: Like you read your PM

1 hour ago, CTM said:

good sport

Not really a surprise -- Hess is good people.

53 minutes ago, Nynaeve said:

Hess was egging on Spoot's catch on Ballin.


50 minutes ago, Nynaeve said:


For reference 

Ape referenced this earlier today, and while the list in and of itself could be considered incriminating for Hess...I wouldn't take much stock in the contents within it.  Worth noting, but still.

28 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Imagine if AVM had been the random lynch, and he was reading through only to see his own demise?

Was genuinely hoping that was the case -- the lynch/no lynch/wait we got Ballin lynched/no we didn't/omg we're all going to die moments leading up to Ape's lynch were among the best re-reading I can remember.  Just...fantastic.

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God bless every last one of you.  That was well worth the re-read, and my apologies for not being around today.  Since technically it's unlikely Hess would have been lynched if I were around, I'm going to take complete and total credit for his death (which saddens me, even if he was teh scumz).

So...you're welcome.

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Also, Ballin/Lily/JiF....maybe Brett.  I'd go in that order for now.

CTM is right, it's a bad break for scum...but he's not striking me as bitter scum writing it.  No different than it would have been a bad break for town if Nyn was random'd.  Until tomorrow, sweet princes and princesses.




...that sounds really lame, but I'm sticking with it.  Now time for dinner lol

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Hess ISO - for reference.

- JiF questions Hess if he got his PM. Hess says yes.
- Votes CTM. Encourages people to join the train to victory.
- Then when the "joke" train starts on Ape, Votes Ape.
- Has his exchange with Spoot and ends up voting Spoot.
- unvotes and votes Ape again.
- FoSes Lily, town reads me.
- Taunts Ape, questioning him why voting him is the stupidest thing to do (that's how Ape described it). >.>  Interesting.
- Nudges CTM about protecting Lily in past games when they're scummates. Trying to plant seeds, imo. This looks good for both CTM and Lily, in my eyes.
- Another sort of nudge at CTM when he comments on Brett/80 derping around and the game not progressing. 
- Says he has a great idea. Encourages everyone to lynch Ape.
- Questions Spoot's reason for voting him.
- Nudges JiF for being sensitive this game.
- Comes out with a read list like 8 minutes after Ape starts to grill me. Town reads: Himself, me, Brett, 80. (I think irt me and 80, he was pocketing us). 
Pings: Ape, CTM, JiF, Lily, Spoot  (CTM he nudged several times and tried to connect to Lily. Doesn't strike me as distancing. Spoot would be an easy mislynch cause he's new and had no content (which begs the question of... why isn't Ballin here too?). I feel like he was trying to steer me towards my FoS on Lily. So was Ape, really. JiF could very well be here for the people he was pushing.... Brett, Ballin and so on. Ape had hardly any content atp... so his placement here is interesting to me).
Null: Crusher, AVM, Ballin (Easy to put these three in here due to little to no content. Could have tossed at least one coasting scummate in here).
- Questions me if I ever was scum in games. Reacts to my claim.
- Votes Lily. Says he hates voting her on D1.
- Unvotes her and votes Crusher. Crusher shouldn't even be in his WTL. His vote on Lily seems more opportunistic than anything. Brett voted Lily. 80 did as well. Ballin showed intent to get on the train as well..... and Hess followed suit. But he only stayed on her for 10 minutes and moved to Crusher..... Possibly to see if he could lead a mislynch on an inactive. Granted, he could have stayed on Lily.... which is a bit of a question mark.... but he was also trying to tie her to CTM earlier... so unsure. As far as his nulls go, Ballin and AVM had a lot more content than Crusher, in comparison.... so this makes me feel better about that slot personally. And if Crusher/Lily are legit town.... him going this way might have been done in order to keep heat off of Ballin, which was the leading train at the time. Notice that while, yes, he eggs on Spoot on his catch irt Ballin, he never actually moves off voting Ape. So... is he distancing from Ape.... or is he making a point to stay off of Ballin?
- Tries to get me to look at CTM when I'm bickering with Ape.
- Says that people he's willing to vote are Ape, Crusher and JiF. He sort of slipped Crusher in there even though he had him as null, like i mentioned before. What happened t0 CTM, Lily and Spoot?
- Unvotes and votes Ape. 
- Says he totally forgot about AVM. And that he thinks Spoot caught Ballin. Despite this assertion, stays on Ape.
- Keeps pushing for an Ape lynch.
- Says Ape is most likely the doc. Bets that he is. Says Ape should be the lynch based on intent. But all of this is said after Lizze says it's gonna go to random... so I take it with a grain of salt.

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TLDR.... if Hess is distancing from Ape.... he was giving it his all. 70% of his content is pushing Ape for no apparent reason. At the same time he's avoiding voting Ballin completely and keeps supporting his competing trains.... Ape and Lily.... and at some point tries to start a train on Crusher.

If both Ape and Ballin are scum.... I could see why Ballin would hesitate before getting on Ape. And also why Hess would sit on Ape while encouraging Spoot's push on Ballin. He's losing a scummate either way, might as well milk it. Also might explain why Ballin didn't claim. If it's a Ape, Hess, Ballin combo, I fully expect Ape to be the one to go YOLO with a PR fake claim. Ballin prolly couldn't pull off a fake claim convincingly (no offense). But regardless of possible scummate combo.... I would expect scumBallin to shy away from fake claiming on D1, really.

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Ballin ISO

- Shows up. Votes 80.
- The next day - one fluff post
- Day after that - two fluff posts
- Unvotes 80
- Fourth RL day - FoSes JiF for stirring the pot and says he's scum. Never actually votes him.
- Responds to 80's pressure vote by saying 80 should know all about pressure. Calls him scum. Later says this was said in jest. Ok.
- Questions me liking JiF's posts. Still doesn't case him or vote him.
- Reacts with a joke to AVM's vote on him. So far that seems to be his general reaction to votes... both to 80 and AVM. Doesn't seem bothered or curious about it. Doesn't question anything.
- More fluff.
- When both Brett and 80 cheer on the Ape train, he says he smells an alliance. In jest or serious? Who knows.
- Somewhere around here I unvote Brett and vote him, there by tying their trains. He never addresses my vote but he does move to vote Brett later, making Brett the lead train again.
- FoSes Lily for her reasoning for finding Brett suspicious and voting him.
- Another nudge at Lily for hardly being around.
- Questions Brett's vote on Spoot (is it just because of lurking?). But at the same time nudges Spoot for using the newbie card as an excuse, even though it didn't seem that way to me.
- Clarifies to me that when he called 80 scum it was in jest. Basically says he's suspicious of JiF, Brett, Lily and possibly Spoot. 
- Comments on some VC error Lizzie made irt Brett's change of votes from Ape to Spoot.
- Ends up voting Brett, putting him as the leading train. If he had come out and said... gonna vote Brett for self preservation, eh. But his suspicion on Brett only surfaces once their trains are tied. So.... meh. And he doesn't actually say what about Brett pings him. Where's he had exchanges and comments with both Spoot and Lily... he has none that I can see with Brett before that whole exchange about Brett not noticing the VC error (mentioned just below), bar asking him to expand on why he was voting Spoot.
- Then he has this exchange with Brett based on him not noticing LK's mistake in VC... which is a pretty gross FoS. VC mistakes are mod territory and while we can definitely assist in corrections.... Brett has nothing to gain by "ignoring" a VC mistake that would have eventually been spotted and corrected.
- Keeps his back and forth with Spoot about him using the newbie card. Again, don't think he was. But w/e.
- Ballin keeps nudging Spoot about having a lot of content but hardly any game related content. Predicts that Spoot will get on his train.
- When JiF asks Ballin to show exactly how he was stirring the pot, Ballin says he's too busy at work to do it, which is fair enough. But let it be noted that he NEVER comes back to this, even later. Ping.
- Later on 80 peels off of Ballin and Ape starts his nudge on me. Attention moves away (Ballin has 2 votes atp) so Ballin unvotes Brett and says he'll be back later.
- Brett votes Lily and Ballin supports it, going all.... that's exactly what I said 7 pages ago! Doesn't vote thuogh. Says he'll read through later. Shortly after 80 votes her. So does Hess. So basically now Ballin is supporting one of his scum suspects (Brett).. one that he was voting... to push another scum suspect (Lily).
- Sort of points out how easily Hess moved from Lily to Crusher over  her just saying she wasn't scum.
- Nudges Lily and says that being a D1 bad player is no excuse. Votes Lily.
- Then there's the whole line of "you'll be sorry" soft claiming crap when I call out to everyone to lynch his ass.
- Keeps selling the Lily lynch, saying she's coasting and that he at least offered content. 
- Refuses to claim.
- When I question Ape and Crusher if they're gonna be catchning up, he asks me what about AVM. okay?
- Says he played it all wrong and that next time he'll shut up and let us go at each other. okay?
- Thanks 80 for his defense, but says he thinks Ape has been playing his normal game, albeit a bit less active. ie just poking around.
- A bit later said it's odd that Ape is defending him.
- Starts to basicall FoS Ape for not going after him to figure out his slot like he did before when he was scum. Also refers to a point I brought up about Ape, which was him ignoring JiF and going after me for basically saying the same thing.
- Then there's the whole exchange between him and Spoot where Spoot thinks he caught him on a slip. Not sure if I agree it was a gotcha moment.
- Asks Spoot for his reads.
- Reiterates that he's weirded out by Ape chalking his play to newbie reasons and doesn't further investigate him. This is prolly like the only post of Ballin I like.
- Unvotes Lily. Train wasn't going anywhere. 
- Votes Ape but takes his sweet time (9 minutes before deadline). 
- Says he's not sold on Ape being scum and that it's a self preservation vote. Fair enough. 
- He seems okay with the rand, saying there's a better chance to hit scum. This bothers me on quite a few levels. First of all it's a dumb comment, because rand could have hit ANYTHING. And random has more of a chance of hitting town than scum cause there are more town in the game. LDO. And secondly... how does he know random is a better chance to bag scum compared to an Ape Lynch? Like that's a sort of cut and dry comment that makes me want to shoot him in the ******* face.
- Now thing is.... he says "Better chance of hitting scum on the random"... then his response to Hess's death is... "Didn't see that coming."  But... wait... didn't you just say that this was our best shot at scum? Well... scum died. Why the long face? :P

I think what bothers me most about Ballin is that he's been sh*tting in JiF's general direction since the game started and has done absolutely nothing to back it up. Just kept saying that JiF once said that as scum if he's bored he likes to stir sh*t up. But I think that's a gross misinterpretation of what JiF has been doing so far. To me it feels like JiF was his main focus and yet.... no vote or pressure on JiF at any point. No going back to show exactly how he was perceiving JiF to be stirring things up. His read on him didn't even develop beyond the beginning of the game... JiF has offered quite a bit of content since. He went for Brett when his ass was on the line, claiming him as one of his scum leans, he tried to twist around a Mod VC oversight as some kind of FoS.... and then ended up peeling off Brett when the heat on him was subsiding, only to support him at a push on Lily.

Just all kinds of lulz, really. 

There's the whole soft claiming and refusal to claim which could mean anything. I know some people can get reactive or stubborn so I'm unsure if that's actually telling for him or not. But it isn't a good look imo.

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at the time, this exchange didn't make sense to me. Now that I know Hess is scum, I feel like maybe this was Ape helping out his teammate after he pinged

15 hours ago, CTM said:

Leaving for disney saturday morning at 3:30.. I'm legit busy however getting work in order for being out for a week.

I'm ok with being the lynch since I'll not be active in disney and we are up agaisnt a deadline

^ offer to self vote

16 hours ago, HessStation said:

Wtf Nyn. How many votes did you have??

^ hess over reacting to Nyn's claim

15 hours ago, CTM said:

seems contrived. could vote this disgusting swine

^ me calling Hess on the post above

15 hours ago, Integrity28 said:



Classic CTM. He offers the martyr line up, but can't even let it sit for 30 seconds before he's suggesting we lynch someone else. LOL, and no, I have no idea if this makes him scum or not... he's always done this sh*t, it makes him a self-important sh*t bag, but not sure what else... 

^ Ape changing the topic to me and my ego while expressly pointing out that it's a null tell. So why bring it up?? just ribbing me or is there a more nefarious motive? It wasn't funny nor did it really make any sense to me. Offering to be the lynch and still commenting on other players is perfectly legit and infact pro town. (assuming I died today, you could at the very least know that my observations and the reactions they cause where one of a townie)  I don't see how this has anything to do with ego (nor do I "always done this sh*t")

15 hours ago, CTM said:

you are extra dumb.. I have 0 votes on me.

I'm fine being lynched and Hess's post pinged.

Both can be true you fat idiot

^ my response to ape

15 hours ago, Integrity28 said:

I'm perfectly aware of this.

Doesn't change the reality that every single time I've ever seen you suggest lynching you is the play to make, you follow up with a charge on someone else.

Your ego doesn't allow your martyr suggestion to ever just sit and get reactions... That's the point I was making, and the point I have to explain to you, as usual.


^ his response to me, the rest of the exchange is below. At no point did I really understand this sidebar but he did successfully distract me from hess (but put himself on my radar)


15 hours ago, CTM said:

i didn't suggest i was the best lynch, i said i was a safe lynch and that I'll be non active for 6 days fri-wed


15 hours ago, Integrity28 said:

"safe" this time, in the past I've seen you suggest you're the "best"... like when you have those cornball roles... stop being stupid, there's literally no benefit to arguing over the semantics of this.

it's true. it has no bearing on my read on you, it was an insult... take it easy CTNyn.

edit: point was, that you should have let people react... now gfy


15 hours ago, CTM said:

people are still free to react?  The comment still stands, if up against the deadline lynch me instead of random?

to act like putting that out there precludes me from offering opinions on anyone elses play is inane

stick to eating your sh*t


15 hours ago, Integrity28 said:

you are wrong

i suspect you live in a world where you don't hear that often enough

but, you are



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3 hours ago, Nynaeve said:

CTM, who are your top 3?

I don't have a top 3 yet, i was barely paying attention yesterday and will try and reread.  If you are planning to inv Ape I feel like there's a decent chance he's gf due to the way he claimed and I think it would be dangerous to give him a free pass to end game. Ape looks worse to me, as someone said Hess meta is lurves to buss

I could see hess trying to tie me to lilly as lilly being scum. Could go Lilly

Feel most good about jif and you. 

Would love @BallinPB to claim. Either he's scum and we can paint him into a fake claim, or maybe he's doc and can counter ape? 

Feel like 80 and brett are like an unfunny, unlikable and more grotesque version of Crusher/Jif. Which is really what these games have needed all along.

All i know about crusher is that he hasn't seen his toes since he was 2 years old

AVM's reread seemed legit. Good effort if scum

Spoot need to reread, he had lightly pinged earlier 



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A crazy night to be sure. The good cats were still drunk on catnip from catching one of the more discreet pussies in a complete bout of luck. They had no idea what was in store and didn't see it coming when a sinister claw slashed the throat of one of their own. 

BALLINPB, Nebelung , VT, was dead!




Day resumes. 


Deadline: Thursday, 8pm EST


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3 minutes ago, Lizard King said:

A crazy night to be sure. The good cats were still drunk on catnip from catching one of the more discreet pussies in a complete bout of luck. They had no idea what was in store and didn't see it coming when a sinister claw slashed the throat of one of their own. 

BALLINPB, Nebelung , VT, was dead!


Day resumes. 


Deadline: Thursday, 8pm EST


this means scum thought Ballin was doc

Not sure if I want to lynch uncountered doc yet, but not looking good for our hairy albatross

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It might be a good idea to pull up VCs and analyze it from yesterday. Ballin was one of the leading trains... first against Brett and then Ape. Might be something there. Too dead to do it myself but I'll try to weigh in if someone does.

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I dunno. Spoot got super excited about his catch irt Ballin. While I didn't exactly agree, it felt like he was really getting his head in the game. I agree that initially he was pinging somewhat by not getting serious as soon as things got serious. But it's hard to say. Regardless, I can't fault him for suss Ballin.... as you can see, I was fairly suspicious myself. Albeit for different reasons.

Brett I'd need to reread..... I mostly remember early game stuff. I don't think he was bothering me as much later on. 


I just don't see scum going... Lets not shoot the cop and doc and go for whatever Ballin MIGHT be. Granted it was the safer choice...... because if Ape was the doc he's be protecting either me or himself. But it just seems kind of a stretch to me.

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3 minutes ago, Nynaeve said:

I dunno. Spoot got super excited about his catch irt Ballin. While I didn't exactly agree, it felt like he was really getting his head in the game. I agree that initially he was pinging somewhat by not getting serious as soon as things got serious. But it's hard to say. Regardless, I can't fault him for suss Ballin.... as you can see, I was fairly suspicious myself. Albeit for different reasons.

Brett I'd need to reread..... I mostly remember early game stuff. I don't think he was bothering me as much later on. 


I just don't see scum going... Lets not shoot the cop and doc and go for whatever Ballin MIGHT be. Granted it was the safer choice...... because if Ape was the doc he's be protecting either me or himself. But it just seems kind of a stretch to me.

If i was scum and believed Ape I'd have shot at you believing there is no way that egomaniac protects anyone but himself. If ape is town, there is 0% chance he values an alive cop over himself surviving to end game. The only way he'd have protected you is if he's legit busy and not engaged with game (which he hasn't been)

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