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Just now, CTM said:

also, at nearly the exact time when ape said it's no big deal (we can manage), hess said the same.. a few posts from one another

Hess has been trying to pocket me since early on. Ape tried to charge at me.... fell short.... then tried to be nice about it and then got all weird.

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3 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

True.  That's why I want to lynch Ape today.  If Ape flips scum I find it really hard to believe JiF is also scum. 

scummy post or just stupid. 

why do we care about clearing jif so much that it would be the main reason to lynch uncountered doc?


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Just now, CTM said:

scummy post or just stupid. 

why do we care about clearing jif so much that it would be the main reason to lynch uncountered doc?


No one was pushing Ape being a liar harder than JiF.  Just saying I think Ape's lynch proves informative on JiF, who right now is one of my top 3 for scum.

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3 minutes ago, CTM said:

scummy post or just stupid. 

why do we care about clearing jif so much that it would be the main reason to lynch uncountered doc?



1 minute ago, Jetsfan80 said:

No one was pushing Ape being a liar harder than JiF.  Just saying I think Ape's lynch proves informative on JiF, who right now is one of my top 3 for scum.


Just now, JiF said:

Ape is 100% scum.

Get this lynch over with. 


Right on cue.  lol.

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1 minute ago, Jetsfan80 said:

No one was pushing Ape being a liar harder than JiF.  Just saying I think Ape's lynch proves informative on JiF, who right now is one of my top 3 for scum.

Your exact words were "that's why I want to lynch ape today".. And then mentioned clearing Jif

Out of all the reasons to lynch or not lynch ape, clearing jif is at best an after thought

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Just now, CTM said:

Your exact words were "that's why I want to lynch ape today".. And then mentioned clearing Jif

Out of all the reasons to lynch or not lynch ape, clearing jif is at best an after thought

Fine.  I'll amend my thinking to say that's ONE of the reasons I want to lynch the Ape, even if its a reason you dismiss. 

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4 minutes ago, CTM said:

scummy post or just stupid. 

why do we care about clearing jif so much that it would be the main reason to lynch uncountered doc?


Dude. he's not the doc.  Come'on.  You think Ape, with a power role like that, pulls that stunt?  Please.  This is literally one of the easiest lynches in mafia history. 

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1 minute ago, JiF said:

Dude. he's not the doc.  Come'on.  You think Ape, with a power role like that, pulls that stunt?  Please.  This is literally one of the easiest lynches in mafia history. 

No i don't think he does that, I've been poking holes in it since it happened.

I am thinking about down side risk atm though, and at the very least we should have others weigh in


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3 hours ago, Nynaeve said:

TLDR.... if Hess is distancing from Ape.... he was giving it his all. 70% of his content is pushing Ape for no apparent reason. At the same time he's avoiding voting Ballin completely and keeps supporting his competing trains.... Ape and Lily.... and at some point tries to start a train on Crusher.

If both Ape and Ballin are scum.... I could see why Ballin would hesitate before getting on Ape. And also why Hess would sit on Ape while encouraging Spoot's push on Ballin. He's losing a scummate either way, might as well milk it. Also might explain why Ballin didn't claim. If it's a Ape, Hess, Ballin combo, I fully expect Ape to be the one to go YOLO with a PR fake claim. Ballin prolly couldn't pull off a fake claim convincingly (no offense). But regardless of possible scummate combo.... I would expect scumBallin to shy away from fake claiming on D1, really.

Eh, scum likes to hide in plain sight by bickering with me. If I'd been paying more attention, I probably would have followed my ping on Hess and hound him into being the lynch. 

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Just now, CTM said:

No i don't think he does that, I've been poking holes in it since it happened.

I am thinking about down side risk atm though, and at the very least we should have others weigh in


Zero down side because he's not the doc.  lol

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Just now, StraightCash said:

Ballin was hinting power role and I thought Ape was pulling a bogus counter claim to get us to lynch Doc

If Ape is scum, then he wouldn't know Ballin's claim was bogus. So the same applies, imo.

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1 hour ago, CTM said:

at the time, this exchange didn't make sense to me. Now that I know Hess is scum, I feel like maybe this was Ape helping out his teammate after he pinged

^ offer to self vote

^ hess over reacting to Nyn's claim

^ me calling Hess on the post above

^ Ape changing the topic to me and my ego while expressly pointing out that it's a null tell. So why bring it up?? just ribbing me or is there a more nefarious motive? It wasn't funny nor did it really make any sense to me. Offering to be the lynch and still commenting on other players is perfectly legit and infact pro town. (assuming I died today, you could at the very least know that my observations and the reactions they cause where one of a townie)  I don't see how this has anything to do with ego (nor do I "always done this sh*t")

^ my response to ape

^ his response to me, the rest of the exchange is below. At no point did I really understand this sidebar but he did successfully distract me from hess (but put himself on my radar)


This is just a weird post. 

You're going back and itemizing a bunch of correspondence, and then wrapping narrative around it. You don't really do this wall of text type of thing. I'm really not sure what to make of it. I want to call you scum for it, but I really don't think you'd be doing some of the other things you've done as scum. 

I just think you're trying too hard to convince yourself. If it were any other player, you'd probably not be second-guess, but because it's me, you're getting yourself all hot and bothered.

I didn't "change the topic" to you. I insulted you, like I always do... every game, every year, for years... We've always been able to insult each other mid-flow when other stuff is going on, but now you're strangely trying to make it sound like a ploy. Stupid.

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2 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

This is just a weird post. 

You're going back and itemizing a bunch of correspondence, and then wrapping narrative around it. You don't really do this wall of text type of thing. I'm really not sure what to make of it. I want to call you scum for it, but I really don't think you'd be doing some of the other things you've done as scum. 

I just think you're trying too hard to convince yourself. If it were any other player, you'd probably not be second-guess, but because it's me, you're getting yourself all hot and bothered.

I didn't "change the topic" to you. I insulted you, like I always do... every game, every year, for years... We've always been able to insult each other mid-flow when other stuff is going on, but now you're strangely trying to make it sound like a ploy. Stupid.

bwahahahaha -pleading to CTM who you were trying to set up for lynch before you waited till 2 minutes before deadline to claim you were Doc.

I kind of want to watch you try to weasel your way out of this.  This is going to be funny.


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1 hour ago, CTM said:


this means scum thought Ballin was doc

Not sure if I want to lynch uncountered doc yet, but not looking good for our hairy albatross

Ugh, your obsessed... I think you're trying too hard to make me the boogeyman.

What Ballin being shot means to me is that scum didn't want to risk losing their NK by shooting at me/Nyn, and they believed Ballin was hinting an additional role and figured nobody was going to protect him.

You need to revisit basic logic before you start steering the town off a ******* cliff.

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1 minute ago, StraightCash said:

No back and forth, I started ape and still want him. Just cementing my conclusions as I post more

Actually, read your posts wrong.  You were saying the same thing just worded it different. 

I'm fine with your responses now.

Lets lynch the Ape!!!!

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22 minutes ago, CTM said:

So i don't understand why town doc, with exposed cop would be bread crumbing his claim with 0 votes on him (on day 1). It just doesn't make any sense to me, why take the risk?

^ this is the post  ape later bumps to say see, i breadcrumbed and CTM noticed



^ vote count immediately around ape's breadcrumb. Note 0 votes

^ post his near lynch, he's saying he breadcrumbed here and i noticed


^ this is the post in which he bumps the one from earlier highlighting  "we can definitely manage" as the breadcrumb

I breadcrumbed BECAUSE there's an exposed Cop. I assumed scum would counter me, and wanted to establish myself better, so you ****s wouldn't lynch me over scum because it's me... which is pretty much what I expect anyway.

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54 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Hess is like a significantly smarter version of me.  Bussing Ape all day is definitely a move in his wheelhouse. 

Everyone here buses as scum. Not sure why you are pushing this "Hess would bus" angle so hard. I feel like you're trying to build a narrative around what took place, revisionist history sort of... but with a spin to support lynching me. Dirty.

53 minutes ago, CTM said:

If i was scum and believed Ape I'd have shot at you believing there is no way that egomaniac protects anyone but himself. If ape is town, there is 0% chance he values an alive cop over himself surviving to end game. The only way he'd have protected you is if he's legit busy and not engaged with game (which he hasn't been)

Good trolling.

37 minutes ago, CTM said:

right? I mean mafia 101 says don't lynch un countered doc with exposed cop but there is literally nothing to like about apes play 

lol, sounds like I'm in your head... just vote me... stop with all the pomp and circumstance about what to do, what to do... you already sound convinced that no matter how many things point to me being the doc, you still want to lynch me because I'm the boogeyman... so do it.

it'll be a testament to how paranoid i've made you in past games... and laughin in your face won't hurt either

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12 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Sounds like Brett is making an awkward bus play right now.

Vote 80

This is a scum post. 80 is sitting back, taking things people say, and using it to incriminate them... same sh*t he did all game long as my scum mate a few games ago.

You're all just fascinated with me. News flash: I'm boxed in by my reveal. I am not going anywhere. If I lied, it'll become obvious, and eventually it'll become obvious that I did not lie. In the meantime, you should be trying to find scum. 

When did the collective game play become so ******* bad here. This is basic sh*t. 

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