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Zander and Nyn's Ebolaids Mafia Game

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Just now, Leelou said:

It might just be a Mass term. Not sure.

Actually, that is where I got it from. Now that I think about it, I have no idea what the NJ slang is. But they'll know packy because at some point, they've all met someone form Mass and there's never been a person from Mass that didn't say "packy" at least twice every 10 minutes.

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10 hours ago, Shad said:

Were you reading him villa?

I would like to say yes but I was nullish on him and then post catch up it didn't really matter because he was dead

9 hours ago, Jetscode1 said:

lol...i better check if I' dead

Feels fake to me

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Just now, D P R said:

That's the other 14% - "whikid". The final 1% is "pissa"

Yo. I just heard about this whikid pissa opah-toonity. Pahk ya cah down by the dunkies and meet me at the packy. 

I actually don't think I have an accent, so I don't talk like that ^. 

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4 minutes ago, Calder said:

I am mildly concerned that I am getting addicted to coffee 

Well, kick that concern dead in it's ass, pour some bourbon in that coffee and get some real problems. Plus, It'll up your game.

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3 minutes ago, Calder said:

Oh sh*t. Do you really put Coconut Oil in it?

I havnt had the balls. It sounds awful.

Yes because it tastes ok but also is a medium chain triglyceride. Check it out. Essentially the fat version of a simple carb. Quick energy. If you're going t work out you want an MCT

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1 minute ago, Lizard King said:

Yes because it tastes ok but also is a medium chain triglyceride. Check it out. Essentially the fat version of a simple carb. Quick energy. If you're going t work out you want an MCT

That is a good tip thanks. I have a ton of coconut oil bc I did a 3 day cleanse awhile back where you basically ate nothing for 3 days and only had a tablespoon of coconut oil every few hours.

It was a nightmare. 

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