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Site Changes


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Just to keep everyone updated we are working on a lot of changes to the site. We are having some behind the scenes problems that cause the site to slow down at certain times. We feel that we have identified the issue and hope to have it resolved within the week.

In the meantime you should now see a JUMP TO box on the top of the screen when you are posting. You should be able to save a few seconds by using that if you want to switch to a different forum.

We have a few more behind the scenes changes going into place this week. We will keep you posted.

Thanks for your patience!

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Are you going to change the look of the place?

I kind of like the 8th grade look.


All along the offseason plan has been:

1. Server improvements

2. Message board improvements (sig blocking, etc)

3. New site design

Before the draft you should see a lot of this in place. I think you will be impressed. Despite what other Jet Webmasters may tell you, we do work hard on this place. :wink:

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What would it cost for you to get a new server? I'm thinking a JN fundraiser is in order.

Actually the server isn't the problem. It is a configuration issue. We don't use 10% of the CPU that we have. And we just upgraded the memory last week.

No need for a fund raiser. We have Gang Green Girl. She is our Sugar Momma. :mrgreen:

Thanks for the offer though!

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Actually the server isn't the problem. It is a configuration issue. We don't use 10% of the CPU that we have. And we just upgraded the memory last week.

No need for a fund raiser. We have Gang Green Girl. She is our Sugar Momma. :mrgreen:

Thanks for the offer though!

That was the perfect opportunity to "Sooth" us and you passed. You da man.

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How are you going to make it to away games?

Out of his own pocket. Just like the rest of us who do not want to put the burdon of running a site onto the backs our readers.

It's the real reason all of us (Bob, GGG, Max & I) started our own sites - We just wanted to put across our beliefs for you the fan to take your own views & not act as "rabid dawgs" when your opinion just isn't that of the web site.

After all, isn't that what the 1st Amendment was created for? Freedom of speach & expression?

Keep up the great work Max & GGG - I'll remain loyal all the rest of my days - Until AOL shuts down my site & I have to move to the Canary Islands just to post!

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